Hello everyone

I'm need some advice. I have trouble eating when I get home. Basically before dinner. I need to find a way to stop eating too much. I know water helps. Anything else?


  • Green tea.... Get a big mug
  • angeliccreature
    angeliccreature Posts: 6 Member
    I loved green tea but i just drank too much that i have no interest in it anymore but thanks. Anything else?
  • jchite84
    jchite84 Posts: 467 Member
    I generally go one of two ways - either a small high protein snack (a hard boiled egg, or a handful of nuts), or a bigger low calorie snack (a big plate of broccoli or steamed spinach and peppers). High protein snacks are more filling, but sometimes if you need to feel like you ate a lot then go with some leafy greens where sizable amount caries you farther calorie-wise.
  • I struggled with binging for some time after dinner as well. There are some of the things I found that helped me.
    • Mint tea or brushing your teeth is a good option. The minty taste gives your brain a signal that the meal is over.
    • Go outside for at least 5 minutes. Breathe and maybe take a little walk. You can also go for a drive and listen to your favourite music.
    • Take a bath or shower. You can't really access food in the shower.
    • Try to find out the reason you may be eating too much. Are you hungry? Is it emotional? If so what emotion could be causing it?
    • Write in a journal, draw, read, work on puzzles, etc. TV doesn't work very well because it doesn't take up your full attention.
    • When eating your meal try concentrating on it. If you eat whilst reading, on the computer, your phone, or watching TV the brain may not register the fact that you are full and you may not notice if you are eating too much.
    • Minty gum. It helps when you feel the need to chew something but you know you aren't hungry.
    I hope these help!