Paleo, Help, Suggestions?

Is anyone out there eating Paleo? I am not religiously following the diet, but its basically the same as what I do eat, with a few small exceptions so I am considering going full Paleo but not really sure how to incorporate it into full family sized meals for my kids and husband. They do not like to eat the way I like to eat but I am determined to get them on track. Any suggestions? Websites? Recipes?


  • neweuquol
    neweuquol Posts: 62 Member
    I have been Paleo for a little less than 3 months. I have dropped 22 (almost 23) pounds since I started in March and I feel a lot better than I ever did before I went Paleo. Frankly, I do not miss the bread, potatoes, rice, etc. I think it can be sustainable and long term if you can get past the craving for all the sugars in all the foots many Americans eat. My palate is changed forever. Food I thought was disgusting 3 months ago (squash, broccoli, cabbage, etc.) are delicious now and I get literally ill when I smell fast food.

    Google is full of paleo recipes. Youtube also has many paleo videos where they show you how to cook some things. I recommend reading Robb Wolf's blog or Mark's Daily Apple if you are thinking about going Paleo long term.

    I do not see myself ever eating a butt load of carbs every day ever again. I get all the carbs I need from fruits and vegetables.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    There are a few groups on here for Paleo. I know is quite active and very nice and helpful. If you go through their post history, you should find a number of references for recipes, recommended reading, and so forth.