Help! bride to be in trouble!



  • efrensgirl2015
    efrensgirl2015 Posts: 480 Member
    bwogilvie wrote: »
    Thanks everyone! :) with winter in full force in PA its hard to workout outside with 5-8in of snow..

    You don't lose weight by working out; you lose weight by eating less than you need to maintain your current weight. Exercise will allow you to eat more while still losing weight, though you have to be careful not to overestimate calories burned in exercise.

    That said, when there's 5-8 inches of snow, you can snowshoe, cross-country ski, or even put on boots and gaiters and walk through the snow—that's a great workout. If your house has stairs, you can walk up and down them a few dozen times. You can also do a Web search for bodyweight exercises and get some strength routines to do indoors

    And exercise is important, not because it adds to your weight loss, but because it affects the kind of weight you lose. If you don't exercise, particularly strength training, you will lose muscle as well as fat. If you build strength training into your weekly routine, you'll lose less muscle and more fat. One popular saying goes like this: "You diet to look good in clothes, and you exercise to look good naked."

    I'd advise setting a realistic goal - maybe a pound a week if you have more than 25 pounds to lose; half a pound a week if it's less than that - and learning how to meet it in a sustainable way. If you think of this only as a way to lose weight for your wedding, you're likely to return to your old habits afterwards and regain the weight. If you think of it as a lifestyle change for the rest of your life, you'll develop new habits that will make the weight loss sustainable, and promote better health as you go forward in your married life.

    Oh, and based on the many weddings I have been to, all brides look beautiful, but especially when they are wearing dresses that allow them to breathe normally. Don't get a dress that's too tight. That's why having a realistic goal is important, especially because you don't necessarily know where the weight will come off first.

    "You diet to look good in clothes, and you excercise to look good naked."....what a FABULOUS quote...wish I made it up.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    And if all else fails invest in a pair of spanks :smiley:
  • christyj0725
    christyj0725 Posts: 52 Member
    -7lbs! Wedding dress here I come!
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    Congratulations and many years of happiness to you!

    Have you already ordered your dress? If not, why don't you order the dress in a size you know you can fit into and then have it altered to however much smaller you get when you're closer to your wedding date? Aren't alterations standard anyway? That just makes more sense to me. It's much easier to take in than to add material.
  • christyj0725
    christyj0725 Posts: 52 Member
    LAWoman72 wrote: »
    Congratulations and many years of happiness to you!

    Have you already ordered your dress? If not, why don't you order the dress in a size you know you can fit into and then have it altered to however much smaller you get when you're closer to your wedding date? Aren't alterations standard anyway? That just makes more sense to me. It's much easier to take in than to add material.

    Thank you! I have my beautiful wedding dress its an Alfred Angelo style 205 Cinderella inspired dress! But I got it online for cheaper than getting it through the salon. I'm 5ft 2 and my dress is made for someone who is 5ft 7 so I fixed that problem by wearing 5in heels (which I don't mind). And it has extra tule added to it already
  • christyj0725
    christyj0725 Posts: 52 Member
    Since the last time I wrote here. I've lost 8lbs and I FIT in my wedding dress! It's only 35 days left until the wedding!
  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    don't do just cardio, toning up your body will really help it look smaller and then the muscle will naturally burn more fat away so don't forget your strength workouts :)

    You are correct in saying muscle will burn more calories. However, you didn't realise that OP is going to be in a caloric deficit. It's going to be pretty hard for her to gain muscle in a deficit because 1) it's a deficit, 2) shes a woman (less testosterone). And the amount of muscle we're talking to burn a significant amount of fat is quite a lot, no?
  • christyj0725
    christyj0725 Posts: 52 Member
    don't do just cardio, toning up your body will really help it look smaller and then the muscle will naturally burn more fat away so don't forget your strength workouts :)

    You are correct in saying muscle will burn more calories. However, you didn't realise that OP is going to be in a caloric deficit. It's going to be pretty hard for her to gain muscle in a deficit because 1) it's a deficit, 2) shes a woman (less testosterone). And the amount of muscle we're talking to burn a significant amount of fat is quite a lot, no?

    I'm not sure about it, but so far I've lost 8lbs and I haven't done a lot of strength stuff since I'm not sure what would work for me since I'm so petite and short. I'm 5ft 2...I do a lot of cardio and watch what I eat and it seems to be working but if anyone else has any tips or advice that'd be great!
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    Since the last time I wrote here. I've lost 8lbs and I FIT in my wedding dress! It's only 35 days left until the wedding!


  • christyj0725
    christyj0725 Posts: 52 Member
    It's 25 days!! Woot woot! And I've lost 8.4lbs! I'm getting excited as July gets here!
  • dolliesdaughter
    dolliesdaughter Posts: 544 Member
    Buy a dress that fits?

  • christyj0725
    christyj0725 Posts: 52 Member
    Well 2wks from Saturday is the big day! I haven't tried on my dress and won't til the day of so no pressure or anything lol. But I've lost 8.6lbs so I'm happy, but it just seems like I can't get out of the 140s...I get so close and then I gain a little...sigh annoying but I think I can!
  • christyj0725
    christyj0725 Posts: 52 Member
    9 days until the big day! I've lost 10lbs! My dress is calling me to try it on but my mom doesn't want me to try it...but my grandparents are coming on Monday so maybe (I'm hoping) to model it for them.
  • ncboiler89
    ncboiler89 Posts: 2,408 Member
    edited July 2015
    9 days until the big day! I've lost 10lbs! My dress is calling me to try it on but my mom doesn't want me to try it...but my grandparents are coming on Monday so maybe (I'm hoping) to model it for them

    Still time to back out imo
  • christyj0725
    christyj0725 Posts: 52 Member
    Haha I win! My grandparents are coming Monday and my mom finally caved in and allowed me to model my dress for them! I've lost 10.2lbs and when I tried it on in May I had lost 8 so we'll see what happens!
  • qb63
    qb63 Posts: 88 Member
    Haha I win! My grandparents are coming Monday and my mom finally caved in and allowed me to model my dress for them! I've lost 10.2lbs and when I tried it on in May I had lost 8 so we'll see what happens!

    Just out of curiosity why is it up to your mom to make that decision? If you want to model your dress for your grandparents, just do it? You're gonna be a married woman soon. ;)
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    Well 2wks from Saturday is the big day! I haven't tried on my dress and won't til the day of so no pressure or anything lol. But I've lost 8.6lbs so I'm happy, but it just seems like I can't get out of the 140s...I get so close and then I gain a little...sigh annoying but I think I can!

    Why would anyone NOT try their wedding dress on before the wedding? Wouldn't you want to know if it, you know, fits? BEFORE the day of the wedding?!

  • qb63
    qb63 Posts: 88 Member

    Why would anyone NOT try their wedding dress on before the wedding? Wouldn't you want to know if it, you know, fits? BEFORE the day of the wedding?!

    Yeah, this too.

  • christyj0725
    christyj0725 Posts: 52 Member
    qb63 wrote: »
    Haha I win! My grandparents are coming Monday and my mom finally caved in and allowed me to model my dress for them! I've lost 10.2lbs and when I tried it on in May I had lost 8 so we'll see what happens!

    Just out of curiosity why is it up to your mom to make that decision? If you want to model your dress for your grandparents, just do it? You're gonna be a married woman soon. ;)

    Who knows she doesn't want me to mess it up. One part of the bussle has a little rip but I don't think it's a reason to not know if it's gonna fit
  • christyj0725
    christyj0725 Posts: 52 Member
    Well 2wks from Saturday is the big day! I haven't tried on my dress and won't til the day of so no pressure or anything lol. But I've lost 8.6lbs so I'm happy, but it just seems like I can't get out of the 140s...I get so close and then I gain a little...sigh annoying but I think I can!

    Why would anyone NOT try their wedding dress on before the wedding? Wouldn't you want to know if it, you know, fits? BEFORE the day of the wedding?!

    I did want to try it on!! I've been saying that for a month and a half but of course I get ignored and figure out how to come up with something that I could think of just to put it on