Shift Workers Unite!

Hey all! Looking for fellow shift workers to share in the struggle for a healthy lifestyle. I find I do really well on days that I work, but then drop the ball on my days off. Anyone else find this? How do you deal with it? It would be great to find some other people to commiserate with!


  • karen_fitzgibbon
    karen_fitzgibbon Posts: 736 Member
    I alternate between the 6-2 shift and the 2-10 shift.... Add me if you like
  • missh1967
    missh1967 Posts: 661 Member
    I also tend to do better on the nights I work (7pm - 7am and 11pm - 7am). I think it's because I have more of a routine and certain foods I bring with me to eat at work.
  • sswanl
    sswanl Posts: 30
    Feel free to add me! I work 6pm-6am 5 days a week. Days off are definately a struggle. I found that waiting to go shopping, meal planning and prepping are best left to my last day off. That way if the snacks for work for next week arent in the house, I am not as tempted.
  • kramrn77
    kramrn77 Posts: 375 Member
    My biggest issue is that I barely eat the day before I go in because I am sleeping all day but I didn't eat the night before. So I rack up pretty significant calorie deficits on those days.
  • McBrian50
    McBrian50 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, i work nights too. 7p-7a's. I think the longer i do it the harder is has become. No magic trick but keeping track of food intake on a daily basis is key. U can add me if u want!
  • feydevilwoman
    feydevilwoman Posts: 49 Member
    Hi! I work the graveyard shift most of the time. Trying to improve my food prep to avoid the half starved and no healthy food in view thing. Y'all can add me if you like
  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,159 Member
    I do 7P-7A three nights a week (waiting for this one to be over with). I think I do well both on and off work, I've gotten a routine down for both. Tonight I did have Girl Scout cookies, but only 1.5 servings of the Carmel Delites, logged them, then passed around the rest of the box to the coworkers. That's pretty big for me, so I was proud of it. Good thing the person selling them was out of Thin Mints, I hate to share those ...
  • kramrn77
    kramrn77 Posts: 375 Member
    I started bringing a bento box to work. That's helped a lot and better then the frozen meals I had been eating!
  • atmcmurray201
    Add me - I am a seafarer and work away 5 weeks on 5 weeks off. To add to that when at sea I work 12am-4am and then 12pm-4pm!!
    - I am trying to get my head around sticking to a healthy (read I need to lose weight) routine which is bloody hard at sea!!!
  • toobeethinagain
    toobeethinagain Posts: 1 Member
    It is really hard to work the graveyard shift and I am always open to suggestions...I work 3 days on three days off so basically I have a set routine but...I alway found my last day was always a struggle...I usually eat by lunch at work and once I got home I would eat breakfast then only sleep 4 hours cause I would have to sleep at night so basically that left me one meal to eat for the rest of the I think I figured this out on my last day of work I plan out my day by having 5 small for me!!