Hard to stay active in the winter!

I like to be active outdoors but when it's freezing and snowing I lose motivation :( help!


  • Victoriamrs
    Victoriamrs Posts: 99 Member
    I find winter really hard as I hate the short dark days. Anyway this year I was determined not to stay indoors that I would try get out at least 30 minutes for some daylight to keep my mood and spirits lifted. I joined a few walking/hiking groups on meetup.com which helped me stay motivated as there was others in the same boat as well as getting in some exercise, getting fit and healthy I made some lovely friends along the way. So maybe join one of the meetup walking groups in your area and if there isn't one why don't you start your own local one. Finally wrap up warm and keep moving you won't feel the cold as much.

    Good luck!
  • Spocky
    Spocky Posts: 62 Member
    Same here. I do HIIT indoors while watching tv.
  • cheshirecatastrophe
    cheshirecatastrophe Posts: 1,395 Member
    Buy cute and warm weather-appropriate clothing? Promise yourself a cup of super-extra-fancy-gourmet tea afterwards? Find winter outdoor activities in your area, like a public park that offers cross-country skiing on weekends, an outdoor skating rink...heck, find an *indoor* ice or roller rink. Join an indoor soccer team, a basketball league, roller derby. Go sledding or downhill skiing if applicable. Make money shoveling driveways.

    Not everyone has to pound icy pavement with spikes on their shoes for traction. (Although I do.) Many, many lovely things to do outside when the temperature drops. :)
  • ksolksol
    ksolksol Posts: 194 Member
    I have the same problem. Clothing is key if you're going to get outside. I've heard it said there's not bad weather, only bad clothing. (Although I'd beg to differ on the 30MPH sustained winds days we get here.) Finding a way to exercise inside is a good thing. I've found making time at lunch to get outside is easier to bring myself to do because it's not dark. If you have a job where you can flex-schedule, consider negotiating a longer lunch. It makes it easier to get some exercise in. Taking up a winter sport can make a difference, too. I look forward to snow because it means cross-country skiing.

    To some extent, I accept that I'll probably be a lower-key in the winter, but still try to keep up an acceptable level of exercise. I'm impressed with runners I see on the streets when there are sheets of ice, but that's a little beyond my limits. (The don't plow residential streets here.) I still walk-commute on said sheets of ice, but that's something that I've really made part of my daily routine. Plus, I'm too cheap to tank up the car.
  • Wiseandcurious
    Wiseandcurious Posts: 730 Member
    Ice skating, indoors and outdoors. Having a kid has been a great excuse to go sledding :grinning: I live in Montreal, if I didn't stay active outdoors the winter would seem twice as long as it already is... Building a big snow fort for the local kids with a bunch of friends to help you and loads of hot coffee/tea to warm you up? If you have snow where you are...
  • bacn60s
    bacn60s Posts: 33 Member
    I go to the YMCA in the afternoon and take advantage of the Pool, plus Hot tub, and steam room. In the morning I walk at least 2-3 miles.
    Trying to get through the next few months and into good weather.
  • erineels
    erineels Posts: 2 Member
    Great ideas! The weekends are great because I can get out in the snow dressed appropriately during the daylight. Do chores or horse around with the kids. Weekdays are a bit more of a challenge because it's dark when I get home after work and constantly running with the kids and sports after work. I try to put in a good yoga or aerobics DVD but it seems so boring!
    I will suck it up and start a morning regiment with crunches squats and push ups, maybe hit the cardio hard on the weekends.....
    Thanks for the encouragement! It's nice to know I'm not the only one struggling with this snowy cold weather :)
  • melimomTARDIS
    melimomTARDIS Posts: 1,941 Member
    If I cant move more, I eat less.
  • cheshirecatastrophe
    cheshirecatastrophe Posts: 1,395 Member
    erineels wrote: »
    I try to put in a good yoga or aerobics DVD but it seems so boring!

    Maybe you haven't hit on the right workout? I'm bored silly with most aerobics DVDs after 10 or so minutes (and heaven help me, I can't make it past the warmup on anything yoga), but I love me some cardio kickboxing. Have you tried browsing the (free!) offerings on fitnessblender.com for some different types of workout? I especially like those because there is no music track, so you get to supply your own playlist or TV show. :)
  • prairiedana
    This may sound nuts but why not winter running? (Where I live the temperatures fluctuate anywhere from minus 15 to minus 40 degrees C) But I find if I bundle up properly, a run in the late afternoon or evening is totally doable and makes me feel like Wonder Woman bc there aren't too many people who like to run in the winter here.

    Important note: If the temperature is colder than minus 30 degrees C I don't run- that's skin-freezing-within-seconds-cold and that's not my cup of tea.

    Or cross country skiing, or snow-shoeing, or if you live somewhere with lots of snow, shoveling is an excellent and practical way to stay active :)
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    erineels wrote: »
    I like to be active outdoors but when it's freezing and snowing I lose motivation :( help!

    I prefer the outdoors as well...get appropriate gear. I still cycle in the winter unless the weather is particularly bad...I just wear the right gear. When the weater is particularly nasty I suck it up and go do some cardio at the gym (where I prefer to just lift)
  • SandyCoils
    SandyCoils Posts: 164 Member
    I think I'll just go for work-out DVD's for now.
  • SunflowerCat74
    SunflowerCat74 Posts: 258 Member
    Having the right clothing is key! If you're cold you'll be miserable. Having cute cold weather gear does help boost your confidence too. Dress in wicking layers. By the end of an hour of snowshoeing Im sweating so much I want to do naked snow angels!

    I work out at the gym a lot during the week in the winter, but we go to the mountain almost every weekend. The kids & Dh ski and I'll go snow shoeing (fantastic calorie burner!). Went tubing a few weeks ago and I pulled my 3yo uphill...my arms were so sore! If the days are nice and the snow has melted I'll go walking or golfing if the course is open and I can find someone to go with me.
  • SuggaD
    SuggaD Posts: 1,369 Member
    It is hard. I hibernated in November and December. Not that I did nothing, but I stuck to workouts in my warm house (mostly HIIT while watching TV). Had to give myself a swift kick in January to get back outdoors (which I prefer). So far so good.