Am I losing too fast? (long post)



  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    MaryCS62 wrote: »
    Starting wt 295lb, current (this morning) 260. Yes, I know it comes off more quickly at the beginning for heavier people, especially when you actually stop eating all the cr*p that I was eating (emotional eater, another long story...). The first 2 changes were via MFP, asking if I wanted to reset my calories after losing 10, then 20 lb. I just reset my goal to 1.5 lb/week, & it upped me to 1570 cal/day. I don't know if I'll go that high, but I have been eating well for the most part. I do allow myself some treats, but I haven't gone overboard, even on the holidays. I've been satisfied for the most part between 1300 & 1400, so I'll see how this goes for a few weeks.

    Thanks for the feedback.


    Congrats on your weight loss!

    I agree with those others who say to up the calorie goal. That will slow down your weight loss.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    tiggis2006 wrote: »
    There is no such thing as losing fat too fast. As long as your not losing lean muscle mass fast is as good as slow. This 2 pounds a week that people often quote has no scientific support. It is a made up number.

    Not true.

    If you are losing weight fast, you are losing lean muscle mass.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    MaryCS62 wrote: »
    I've upped it this week to 1530 - which MFP says is my 1.5lb/week calories. Still haven't exercised much, & haven't had a weigh-in at all (I sometimes weigh daily even though I only record weekly) & it's been a screwy weekend b/c of 2 snowstorms here on the east coast in additition to having to stay over at my job last night (I work in a hospital), but have still managed to stay on track. I will give it 2 weeks at this level before I decide if I want to eat more or less, but since I actually started @ 1460, I doubt I'll want to eat more!

    Keep in mind MFP is estimating based on your inputs and it's pre-exercise. You will lose more than 1.5lbs per week if you only eat 1500 calories because you lost 3.5 lbs at 1200. That is a weekly deficit of 12,250 calories. You only lowered your deficit by 250 calories per day or 1,750 per week. If you maintained the same effort as previously weeks, you would lose 3 lbs per week. I suspect since you are a at a hospital, that you burn a lot more calories than you think, even when not exercising.

    But if you are going to continue to have aggressive weight loss, I would highly suggest you see a doctor to be monitored, so they can do blood work to ensure your nutrients stay in a healthy range. Last thing you want to happen is become malnourished and have to stop trying to lose weight. If you start to see sign such as hair starting to fall out, brittle nails, loss of period or skin issues that you normally haven't had before, then up your calories to get more nutrient.