Looking for weight loss/ fitness buddies

Hi there!

This is day one for me. I'd really like to connect with people to help each other stay on track and reach our goals.

I want to lose 35 pounds/16 kg by the end of September. I know from past experience that it really helps to have people you have to stay accountable to so let's do this together. I would also like to find out a lot more about proper nutrition and exercise so if we could help educate each other that would be great.

I do a lot of travelling for work in Africa which unfortunately not only makes eating healthily incredibly difficult but also limits my internet access but I promise to try my best to stay as connected as possible :)

Looking forward to sharing this journey!


  • Imani9629
    Imani9629 Posts: 52 Member
    You can always add me :) I've always wanted to visit Africa. What's it like there?
  • MA_baquiran
    Hi! I'm also looking for fitness buddies. you can add me too if you like:)