Need to get more protein and less sodium in my diet...suggestions?

Hi everyone, hoping that some folks who've been doing this awhile can suggest some food tweaks. I'm only on day two, but I see I am going overboard on sodium and falling way short on protein. I'm not veg/vegan, just not a big meat eater and I don't add table salt to anything I guess I'm just getting too much processed foods. I tend to get protein from cottage cheese (wow, who knew it had so much sodium? according to food info here) and greek yogurt and poultry for the most part, but am willing to consume more lower calorie meats if it would help. I'm trying to stay on the low side with carbs because as I age, I find that tends to move the weight a little better.
So what are some foods you've found that offer protein without going too crazy on salt/fat? thanks!


  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    Why are you keeping fat low? Best way to get protein, for me, is meat, all of the meat. I use whey too, if that's an option for you.

    The best way to keep sodium down is to cook from scratch rather than rely on sauces, ready meals etc. but remember you need some sodium in your diet.
  • Betsyk68
    Betsyk68 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi, thanks for the responses. No, I don't have HBP, I'm just referring to the default suggestions here on Myfitnesspal. It's giving me a sodium goal of 2300, so I guess I'm just wondering where would the threshhold be for "dangerously high", or is there such a thing as long as my BP is good?
    Fats, I guess I'm trying to be good in general so I can justify in mind the occasional pig-out day of a big burger or pizza LOL. It's a preference thing that I just don't like fatty meats like bacon, sausage, etc. I'll keep playing around with different cuts of lean meats to see how they tally up.
  • LuckyNumbers
    LuckyNumbers Posts: 208 Member
    I'm not a big meat eater, either, so I try to get protein from eggs (hard-boiled is a great snack), quinoa, beans, Greek yogurt, nuts, peanut butter (I like Jif Natural, which has less sodium than the regular Jif) and fish. I personally like canned sardines, but you do have to be careful about what they're packaged in so as to avoid too much sodium.

    Like a previous poster said, if you make more home-cooked stuff and avoid packaged/processed foods, your sodium intake should be in check.
  • melimomTARDIS
    melimomTARDIS Posts: 1,941 Member
    protein shake!