Hi there! :D

I actually joined this site about a year ago and totally didn't post an introduction lol better late than never, though, right?
Actually, I was trying to be kind of a recluse on here before because I was being unhealthy with my dieting. I was doing my chatting on a site for people with eating disorders, specifically anorexia.
While it may seem strange I was on there since I'm overweight, at the time I was letting my depression get the better of me. I started starving myself and lost weight rapidly, though I was miserable. I managed to lose some weight, but when I stopped, I gained all of it back, plus fifty pounds more!
After that mess, I was pretty lost until recently. I've found a renewed purpose for myself in Christ Jesus and my life is back on track. Everything has seemed to fall into place, and now I'm ready to lose weight in a healthier, long lasting way.

If you'd like to be friends with me, just add me or shoot me a message, whatever. I get along with pretty much everyone :D

Here's to health! Good luck on all your goals!

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." ~Matthew 7:7