SO Frustrated!!

I really need some motivation and support!!

Been watching calories, counting everything for a month now, been good about 85% of the time. (The other 15% of the time I don't go too overboard, just go over on calories a bit). I've also started exercising consistently for the first time in my life at least 20 minutes a day every day, some days up to an hour.

My problem is that I haven't lost ANY weight. None. Granted, I'm 39 now and have 110 pounds to lose. But I would think that with the extra effort I've been putting in, including not eating whatever I want like I used to, along with more activity than I'm used to on a consistent basis, I should have at least lost 5 pounds or so.

Yes, I know I could exercise MORE, be better on my diet 100% of the time, etc.

Is it possible for you to mess up your body and/or metabolism enough to make it impossible to lose weight without drastic measures? At this point I'm considering weight loss drugs and/or surgery. Talking to my doctor this week.


  • Have you noticed that your clothes for differently? Sometimes your weight won't budge on the scale, but your body composition will change. I know it's discouraging to not see progress, but it can take some time. Trust the process!

    I feel like I have been eating so well lately and my weight will not move at all, but I have lost 2 inches off my waist and I can fit into jeans I've never been able to.

    So my advice is to stick with it! Drink lots of water and try to cut out animal products and wheat and salty foods. Stick to fruits, veggies and while grains.
    I bet you'll notice big changes.

    I lost 30 pounds going vegetarian and eating a whole foods, plant-based diet.
  • MrsKila
    MrsKila Posts: 320 Member
    gretchens1 wrote: »
    I really need some motivation and support!!

    Been watching calories, counting everything for a month now, been good about 85% of the time. (The other 15% of the time I don't go too overboard, just go over on calories a bit). I've also started exercising consistently for the first time in my life at least 20 minutes a day every day, some days up to an hour.

    My problem is that I haven't lost ANY weight. None. Granted, I'm 39 now and have 110 pounds to lose. But I would think that with the extra effort I've been putting in, including not eating whatever I want like I used to, along with more activity than I'm used to on a consistent basis, I should have at least lost 5 pounds or so.

    Yes, I know I could exercise MORE, be better on my diet 100% of the time, etc.

    Is it possible for you to mess up your body and/or metabolism enough to make it impossible to lose weight without drastic measures? At this point I'm considering weight loss drugs and/or surgery. Talking to my doctor this week.

    How many grams of Carb are you eating a day?
  • gretchens1
    gretchens1 Posts: 16 Member
    I eat approx 45-50% of my calories from carbs
  • cheshirecatastrophe
    cheshirecatastrophe Posts: 1,395 Member
    15% of the time leaves a lot of room for error. How much is "a bit" over?