Gym Intimidation

Has fear ever kept anyone from the gym before or is it only me. I use to be terrified to go in a gym because I felt people were judging me from the beginning. I've finally being using the gym a steady 5x a week! I've even been taking ZUMBA classes which are sooooo much fun.
So here is where my intimidation & fear is starting all over again. I've become interested in yoga. I even worked up the courage to take a yoga class at my gym. However my first experience wasn't the best. I can't say that it was the instructor she made me feel comfortable. But the other participants. Being the only fat very overweight one in the class I was welcomed with dirty scowls from the other classmates as I walked in and began to set up my mat. I automatically felt a sense of not belonging there. Has anyone ever felt & kinda intimation in the gym before & how did you over come it?


  • palwithme
    palwithme Posts: 860 Member
    edited January 2015
    I am sure you are not the heaviest person at the gym! People are there to work on themselves and are not worried about you. If they are, forget them. They aren't worth your time anyway.
  • Mitzki5
    Mitzki5 Posts: 482 Member
    Don't worry about what others think. It only matters that you are making the effort to go and that is what counts. Everyone has to start somewhere and getting off the couch is the biggest battle. Keep working hard and your comfort level will increase. Best of luck to you.
  • MeanNurseGM95
    MeanNurseGM95 Posts: 49 Member
    I am the fat chick in the yoga class most of the time. After going 4 or 5 times I was more comfortable with it. Now the way I feel after yoga is so good I forget about all the other people.
  • NoelFigart1
    NoelFigart1 Posts: 1,276 Member
    I used to be worried about being the fat chick in the weight room after reading really hateful stuff on T-nation about women shaped like me.

    Maybe the guys in the free weight room were saying crap behind my back, but to my face all I ever got was a compliment once on my squat form and an offer of a spot to test my max bench press. *shrugs*
  • SconnieCat
    SconnieCat Posts: 770 Member
    OP - congrats in overcoming the gym intimidation! I know it can be difficult. :)

    I used to be incredibly intimidated in the gym. It wasn't so much weight-related with me, but rather I was concerned that other people would judge my workout, or maybe I wouldn't be doing things correctly. So as a result, I never went to the gym....and when I did, I hung out on the treadmill and would leave frustrated with my workout (or lack there-of).

    I'm not sure what clicked, or when things clicked with me, but soon I started doing some research into workout plans and talking to bodybuilders, trainers, and others who were more fitness-minded. I watched a lot of YouTube videos on how to do exercises, and really took the time to learn about the different equipment in my gym. I also found out what I liked and what I didn't.

    That all helped. And I just decided one day to say "Eff it". I was going to do things for myself. And if someone else wanted to take the time to screw up their face and judge me...then that was on them. I wasn't going to lose any sleep if someone else wanted to think less of me.

    And I think the greatest thing I learned in the process is that the fitness community is incredibly, wonderfully supportive. People on forums (there are a few other sites like this one I belong to) are more than happy to provide encouragement or help when needed. Other than that? I learned that when I leave after putting in effort, I am beyond proud of my strength. I leave the gym beaming from ear-to-ear... and a little bit exhausted.
  • pokegurl
    It happens to all types. I consider myself fit but very intimidated by my weight training class. But you know, you just go and do it cause no one really cares what you look like or how you're doing, you know. ..
  • carliekitty
    carliekitty Posts: 303 Member
    Why do you care if a stranger gives you a scowl? Maybe their trying not to fart. Not to be mean or rude but don't make every look about you. I run on the treadmill and sometimes i see people looking all kinds of weird ways. Maybe their pushing themselves, thinking or mentally working something out.
  • tiptoethruthetulips
    tiptoethruthetulips Posts: 3,365 Member
    Did they really scowl at you? Or that was your perception?

    We sometimes project how we feel about ourselves onto other people. You feel that you don't belong at the gym and that other people will not want you there, hence, that is what you perceive when you go...

  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Please don't worry about what total strangers think of you xx I know when I see overweight people in the gym I admire them and think "Good on you" for taking a step in the right direction
  • Aemely
    Aemely Posts: 694 Member
    You don't need to join a gym to lose weight. But, if you want to go to a gym because you perceive it as fun, then don't worry about what other people may or may not think. You are there to improve yourself. You're not there to impress others, right?
  • Original_Beauty
    Original_Beauty Posts: 180 Member
    Chill babe, everyone has a starting place...focus on you, not them :)
  • stephanieluvspb
    stephanieluvspb Posts: 997 Member
    Are you being paranoid? Maybe that's how her face looks, maybe you reminded her of her husbands ex, maybe she was worried you would take her favorite spot. Who knows. Either ignore it or kill them with kindness. Go up and introduce yourself, and if she really was rude and scowling then follow her around and talk her ear off :D
  • stephanieluvspb
    stephanieluvspb Posts: 997 Member
    What's wrong with that? Please fill me with your wisdom
  • Markguns
    Markguns Posts: 554 Member
    (*) -- What I must do is all that concerns me, not what the people think. -- (*)

    -- Ralph Waldo Emerson --
  • rachiesretrokitchen
    We all start somewhere. I am still trying to work up the courage to do zumba but not because Im fat... more very clumsy and I think I will probably trip over LOL
    If people scowl well boo to them. Hateful moles are everywhere, there will still be people scowling for another reason tomorrow. Let them wallow in their misery and you just get on with being fabulous :)
  • diegops1
    diegops1 Posts: 154 Member
    I spent 20 years in gyms as a very serious weight lifter including having partners who were on Olympic teams. For the past 20 years I just go to get (or stay) in shape. Sometimes when coming into a new gym I also feel intimidated. It is all in the mind. Making friends solves that problem and most people in gyms are friendly. If you are there to improve your health, you will be respected and fit in nicely.
  • stephanieluvspb
    stephanieluvspb Posts: 997 Member
    A women looking like another woman?? More than one woman in the world with the same color eyes and hair color and facial features? Ohhhh the horror