My 10lbs Lost (in 3 weeks) out of 50lbs Goal - So Far So Good (Pic Inside)

oncem0re Posts: 213 Member
edited January 2015 in Motivation and Support
Hi all, I thought I share this for now. I'm sorry I was wearing underwear lol when I took the 2nd picture I just couldn't believe nothing was hanging out as much as it used to be. Hopefully nobody I know sees this picture (hehe!) but I'm so proud and thought I post it for today.


If I can do it - everyone can! Have a great week all!


  • w0den
    w0den Posts: 84
    Wow! 10 lbs made a big difference! That's AWESOME! Whoop whoop :)
  • Wow congratz!! Way to go!! :)
  • Wow - fantastic results! I think my tummy looks a bit like the one on the left, so hopefully it'll look a bit more like the right picture soon ;) thanks for sharing!!
  • mariamathsgeek
    mariamathsgeek Posts: 236 Member
    Well done. It's very noticeable. We have a few things in common....I also have a similar belly overhang....I've also lost 10lbs in 3 weeks (mostly from the belly overhang too - hurray!)....I also want to lose about 50lbs (somewhere between 41lbs and 55lbs depending on how I look/feel when I get there!)...and, erm...I'm also called Maria!

    I'm 42 and 5'5" about you? My starting weight on 1st Jan was 181lbs and is now 171lbs. I'm aiming for 140lbs initially and maybe a little less.

    Good Luck!
  • LuckyStar813
    LuckyStar813 Posts: 163 Member
    Great job! What a difference 10 pounds makes to your figure.
  • oncem0re
    oncem0re Posts: 213 Member
    Well done. It's very noticeable. We have a few things in common....I also have a similar belly overhang....I've also lost 10lbs in 3 weeks (mostly from the belly overhang too - hurray!)....I also want to lose about 50lbs (somewhere between 41lbs and 55lbs depending on how I look/feel when I get there!)...and, erm...I'm also called Maria!

    I'm 42 and 5'5" about you? My starting weight on 1st Jan was 181lbs and is now 171lbs. I'm aiming for 140lbs initially and maybe a little less.

    Good Luck!

    Wow that's crazy! You're my sister from another mother lol
  • sharonhouse81
    sharonhouse81 Posts: 20 Member
    I lost 10lbs in 19 days and I didn't lose it from my tummy. I lost it in my back and legs. It's a start, but I'm still disappointed I didn't lose anything in my belly. I guess I'll just keep pushing.
  • scookbey
    scookbey Posts: 84 Member
    Great Job! How did you lose the weight in 3 weeks?! Was it mostly water retention? Did you increase your exercise?
  • Congratulations! I, too, have lost 10 lbs in 3 weeks and plan to lose 50 lbs total. My brother is getting married in a few months, and I don't want to hide behind people when it is time to take pictures! LBVS! The hardest part for me is trying to eat healthy foods and meet my calorie goal. I had a Turkey bacon, egg and cheese sandwich on wheat and strawberries for breakfast. I am full, but that was only 200 calories! After exercising, I still have over 1200 to go today! I have to graze all day to get to 1400 calories. Plus, drinking a lot of water makes me feel like I will bust sometimes!
  • mariamathsgeek
    mariamathsgeek Posts: 236 Member

    Wow that's crazy! You're my sister from another mother lol [/quote]

    So it seems!!!! Sending you a friend request....lets get rid of our overhang together!
  • Ratches
    Ratches Posts: 52 Member
    great work - so inspiring

    In my 40's and keep thinking this is impossible - so It is nice to see results.

    Do you have some key things that is helping with results because I find my belly fat hard to loose
  • oncem0re
    oncem0re Posts: 213 Member
    Hi all, I'm soooo overwhelmed with the few that sends me friend requests and your comments are just gratifying!

    I didn't take any kind of magic pill and I think it's just our body that kinda decide which part loses first, because I wasn't expecting a dramatic change at all! I stay within my calories of 1200 and I eat about 30-50% of the one I lost from exercise. I do my work out everyday and I do mine 2 hours after dinner just in case I over ate for the day and need to make some adjustment. I find it helpful to able to do that. I drink plenty of water and I 80% cut out sugar and salt from home with my cooking, I literally just put a dash if any on any of our food. We don't eat out, I made all my food at home and prep meal on Sundays.

    I researched so much about losing weight specially belly.... one thing that I kept in my mind is that our belly has soooo little muscles that the time spent trying to do crunches and belly exercise will be so hard to show because right now our belly is still covered with fat. The best way to do it is work hard on our cardio, your legs and arms...the more muscles you have the faster you metabolism works and end results the faster you'll get rid of the fats. I read somewhere where he made a point to compare our metabolism with car and horsepower. A car with 8 horsepower can burn out gas within few hours, but if you put a 25 horsepower car it can burn the gas quicker... and think of these horsepower as our muscles, because we haven't had any muscles it's taking a lot of time to burn our extra fat but once we build them (it's quicker to build it with your legs) then the process gets easier. So if you don't have much time to work out (full body), I suggest working on the muscles that are easy to work on which for us women would be our legs and arms, then after couple weeks of that then target your stomach area! Good luck you guys! I hope we can all do this together!

    I'm 42 and 5'5" about you? My starting weight on 1st Jan was 181lbs and is now 171lbs. I'm aiming for 140lbs initially and maybe a little less.

    Good Luck!

    I honestly wrote you longer message but it got cut off! hmph! anyway I'm 5'6, and 36 years old. I started at 194.4lbs and currently down to 184.3. So far so good! Just taking it one day at a time! Glad to be friends! Thanks for the request!

    scookbey wrote: »
    Great Job! How did you lose the weight in 3 weeks?! Was it mostly water retention? Did you increase your exercise?

    I don't think it's water retention - I don't know if you can retain 10lbs of water and I haven't been bloated in weeks. I drink a lot of water and my body has never been hydrated! I have hot green tea in the morning, coco water for lunch and cold green tea and water in between and another coco water for dinner. I just drink tons of water, coco water and green tea. Good luck!

    Congratulations! I, too, have lost 10 lbs in 3 weeks and plan to lose 50 lbs total. My brother is getting married in a few months, and I don't want to hide behind people when it is time to take pictures! LBVS! The hardest part for me is trying to eat healthy foods and meet my calorie goal. I had a Turkey bacon, egg and cheese sandwich on wheat and strawberries for breakfast. I am full, but that was only 200 calories! After exercising, I still have over 1200 to go today! I have to graze all day to get to 1400 calories. Plus, drinking a lot of water makes me feel like I will bust sometimes!

    I know what you feel! and this is my biggest motivation too, from the last decade, my family and I go to Disney every 3 years with my kids and ALL my pictures I was heavy and I can't imagine another picture of me with my hanging belly. I just wouldn't have it - so this year we already have our trip planned and paid for which is on July and I will work hard as I can to be sure I'm able to wear those tank tops and shorts! :) I don't eat SUPER healthy, my diary is open, I do tweak all my favorite food and mix it with other...I didn't do it ALL at once, your palette has to get use to the new food so I just introduce it slowly... like I still LOVE my spaghetti so I use 1lb of 97% lean and 1/2lb turkey for my whole family and little by little I'll increase the turkey more than the meat... same thing with our vegetable servings. It doesn't have to be all done right away! You'll get so burned out so quickly at the end result you'll just give up. Remember it's a life change and not a race :) so slowly but surely! Let me know if you need some new recipes! I do eat BACON the real thing.. I can't stand the turkey bacon, but I make sure that it fits my calories intake for the day.. I hope that makes sense.
  • AnneParker1981
    AnneParker1981 Posts: 13 Member
    You look amazing. Good job
  • Nice job! That's amazing
  • oncem0re
    oncem0re Posts: 213 Member
    You look amazing. Good job
    Thanks so much!

    I hope if I can inspire or motivate just 1 person and my job is done ☺️ I always love looking at progress post it just keeps me going!
  • aberrantdream
    aberrantdream Posts: 6 Member
    Wow! Its amazing what a 10 lb weight loss will do. Good job. Its very inspiring because i haven't lost anything in three weeks. This next three weeks are going to be different. Thanks for your post.