
cooleyspal Posts: 2
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
I am 39 yrs old, married husband works away all week and I have 3 kids, ages 18, 13, and 11. I work 3rd shift and I am getting my associates degree in criminal justice presently. I do not eat right or exercise regularly. I go through stages. When I am totally disgusted with myself then I try hard. I am sick of losing weight and gaining it back. I will eat anything sweet and I have a hard time trying not to. I want to be normal and just eat right and exercise because it makes me feel energetic and happy when I am doing it! It is hard to exercise and eat right working third shift. I do not like to cook so I find fast foods. If anyone has ideas of healthy fast foods please let me know, thanks.


  • Hi, the only fast food I eat is Subway low fat subs and egg white muffins. You could get a low fat 6" sub with lots of veggies, low fat honey mustard and whole wheat to go earlier in the day - refrigerate it then take it with you. Also keep fresh veggies, fruit and almonds on hand to snack on. It is really tough to lose weight and eating out. Good luck!
  • Thanks Mary for the advice for Subway! I have not been eating out at all. Today I am going out of town with friends and we are taking our girls. I am sure they will want to stop and eat somewhere. I will stick to a salad. I have been taking wraps and raw veggies to work with me at night. I seem to be feeling full even before I am done eating. It's been a while since I have felt like that! An instructor I met at my gym referred me to this website. I asked her about Jillian's Vanilla protein, she gave me her recipe. I love it!
    I use either reg, vanilla, or chocolate soymilk...1 cup
    1 tablespoon peanut butter
    1/2 banana
    1 scoop vanilla protein mix

    I blend all this, then add ice cubes and blend again. I love the taste. I am a chocolate hound so
    I just tried it with the chocolate milk and yum!
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