
I have been VERY emotional lately! I believe this birth control is screwing up my hormones. I was so motivated in the beginning. Today I just want to say bump it all. I just want to lose this weight & get pregnant!!!!!


  • SandyBVTN
    SandyBVTN Posts: 367 Member
    How long have you been working on the weight loss? When I was in my first few weeks on MFP, I remember being super impatient and just wanting SO BADLY to be at the end stages and near my goal. I started focusing just on day to day, and week to week, and things did fall into place. You will not regret sticking this out.

    One other thing is that sometimes when we are used to eating when we are emotional, lots of feelings can come up when we start eating less. Are there other places you can turn to? Friends, journalling, exercise, creative projects, etc? Seeking support here too is a great step.

    Feel free to add me here if you'd like!
  • Codilee87
    Codilee87 Posts: 509 Member
    When I get overwhelmed by stress, I generally tend to say screw it, where's the effing chocolate but this time I just come here. I visit the message boards to vent and/or read how other people are dealing with similar struggles - its a good way to distract myself from the craving and refocus my attention on my goals.