I'm back with a new mission.. more determined after baby number 6.

Hey guys.. I'm Jenn I'm a former MPF uses but I have a new screen name because I think MFP old one was deleted.. Thanks okay, I was out of touch for awhile.. I've been busy over the last 15 months with my family any my new baby who's a 15 month old beautiful baby/toddler girl. I don't have a lot of time with having 6 children(1 grown and 5 from ages 13 12 11 6 and 15mo.) but I'm making the time to get my goal of finally getting this weight off. After I had the baby I got down to around the 250's mark and the some how I'm back to the 270's. And then the guilt came back. I'm sure you know what I mean. I look in the mirror and don't like what I see so its time to make some changes.. time to move and time to get busy with the baby and the kids.. It's just time I'm still nursing my baby (Don't judge please I figure she will ween when shes ready..) and so I'm trying to make good choices while still meeting some of her needs. I'm looking to meet supportive friends to help encourage and to be encouraged on this lifelong journey to a healthier Me!! I look forward to meeting and helping anyway I can.. take care and have a blessed day. :)


  • dinobomp
    dinobomp Posts: 170 Member
    Welcome back! I'm a new member; have been here 2 weeks. I have 4 grown sons, and 3 grandchildren. I need to lose about 200#, so my journey has just started. I want to live to see my grands grow up! Don't ever be intimidated by others about nursing. It is good for both of you. If they don't agree, they should keep quiet.