Late Night Cravings

Dude,,,,since I break down (seemingly every night) around midnight. What is a healthier snack to consume if you must have one. Right now I am eating a bowl of Raisin Bran Crunch or Special K Red Berries....


  • I like the Kellog's bars. They tend to be around 90 calories, so they aren't going to make a big impact on your calories and they fill enough to satisfy. During the day, I drink water as a filler, but doing that at night may lead to another awakening to use the bathroom.
  • is there a reason that your up that late ? night shift or something?
    depending on what u need energy for, will affect what kind of snack u have.

    eg. about to go do a shift, u could have a banana or cereal or something (energy)

    i often get random cravings before bed around 11-12pm... i have a light small smoothie of: berries, skim milk, MPI powder.

    (MPI or milk protein isolate powder is protein derived naturaly from milk. it is safe and healthy, and boosts ur metabolism ... so by having it at night, you are making sure your metabolism keeps burning all night. :)
  • Just_Scott
    Just_Scott Posts: 1,766 Member
    PB and J, 20 tortilla chips, 2 mozz stx, salsa, shrimp---oh you said healthy...sorry...but this what I ate watching the NBA game last night.