33 married with kiddos. Time to get healthy

33. Married 2 children. 248. 5-10.
Just found out I have a Pars fracture in L5. Really scared me. I'm walking fine again. No real pain. But it scared me. Time to shed weight.


  • Jumanji9700
    Jumanji9700 Posts: 45 Member
    No kids for me, but realized I can't continue eating like crap and being sedentary..... Added you; we 33'rs gotta have each others back.
  • MrMike79
    MrMike79 Posts: 17 Member
    I have a 3 mo old and I need to get in shape to take care of him and provide him with a good role model. I'm about 8lb towards my goal of losing at least 50 lb this year.
  • rusty622
    rusty622 Posts: 8 Member
    Good job man. 8 pounds in 3 weeks is awesome. I'm shooting for a 2.5 pound average for two months. It's crazy how slow the weight comes off once you hit 30.