Any good motivational groups?


So before moderators tell me to introduce myself in the New Posters bit, I would just like to say, I have been on here before.

Short story: I began well, had lots of motivation, then I wanted more weight off, pushed myself to 1000 calories a day, pushed lower and lower and then ended up not eating much and being pushed into going to the doctor if I didn't sort myself out. I am fourteen which is already against rules but being totally honest, I need to lose this weight. I am not one of them stick insects with a dot of fat saying "ew I'm fat".

I started at 172 pounds and worked my way down to 160 pounds where I change by 2 lbs every so often but still maintain the same weight. I am around 5'2 and eat too many calories.

So is there any committed groups round here which don't mean I need to buy a fitness dvd or anything?!

Thanks so much...

Dalekonadiet xx