Skiing again! & 60% of the way to my goal

mxchana Posts: 666 Member
edited January 2015 in Success Stories
Saturday evening I went out cross-country skiing just around the neighborhood, as we finally had our first significant snowfall of the winter. I cannot remember the last time I went skiing - I'd say maybe seven or eight years ago. My husband and I bought ourselves brand new skiis at that time and I used them exactly once.

Actually I started by going around the back yard a few times, just to make sure I could still do this without killing myself. Then I took off down the street and began to fly. It was simply a thrill to be able to ski again, and I felt so proud and happy that I had reached that goal. One of my main exercise motivations has been the thought of getting in shape on my Nordic Track machine to ski again this winter. The fact that I have now released more than 60 pounds means I have balance and agility again ... and I am gaining strength that I was losing. What a feeling to be gliding along!

The bottom of these beautiful no-wax skis has a ridged pattern which makes a sound as I ski along, left - right - left - right. I swear the sound was chanting out: "Let it - snow - Let it - snow." Looks like the chant worked - we are about to get up to two feet of snow in the next couple of days. I am excited about that! Once the storm is over my 13-year-old granddaughter is going to come over and I am going to take her out and teach her to ski.

Meanwhile, I've gotten into such a good pattern of healthy eating, regular exercise, and regular release of weight, that it has truly become second nature. I walked by a full-length mirror the other day and did a double-take: I had to go back and really look at myself. I have avoided looking in mirrors for years now, so this image looking back at me took me by surprise. It registered just how much I have slimmed down. Then it dawned on me that I am two-thirds of the way to my goal! Wow. That's all I can say, wow - this is really working for me and it feels so good!



  • kasaz
    kasaz Posts: 274 Member
    Love it. You must be thrilled. Be careful with all that snow, but enjoy the skiing.
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    I understand your joy on the skis.
    My outdoor winter poison is alpine skiing. I was in a similar position where I did not have the agility/balance for anything but a green run. So far in January I have logged 8 days on the hill and lots of time on the Blue and Black runs.
    Enjoy the precious time with your granddaughter.
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