How much training is 'over-training'?


Just looking for some opinions. I am currently working out a lot (3 days of resistance circuits (Monday, Wednesday and Friday), I powerwalk on a Tuesday and Thursday for 45 minutes and also do a BodyPump class on the Thursday night after the powerwalk.

On the odd occassion that I have the time, and just because I enjoy it so much I sometimes squeeze in a morning 45 minute bodycombat session on a Wednesday or Saturday.

Is this too much? I am currently eating 1240 calories per day and trying to eat back all my exercise calories. I am following a balanced healthy diet (for the most part) and do feel I am slowly slimming down. My big weigh in is a week today. Would I see better results with cutting down the training I am doing to aid recovery?

Any advice would be great?

Thanks :)


  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    How are you feeling? IMO, over training is REALLY hard to do if you're getting enough sleep and enough calories, but it's fairly easy to do if you're not getting enough of those things.

    How long have you been following this routine? If you feel reasonably well then you're probably fine.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    it varies from person to person but this ain't it
  • VickiLouise25
    VickiLouise25 Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you for your reply. I feel great which is why I have stuck to it. I get plenty sleep and feel like I eat loads in a day. I started with intense classes at the beginning of November then after new year cut down the classes and added in the resistance circuits