What are your "not so guilty" pleasures?



  • somigliana
    somigliana Posts: 314 Member
    Peanut butter, 1/2 banana and a drizzle of honey on wholewheat bread.
    Frozen yogurt
    Vanilla yogurt & frozen berries
    Rooibos tea
    Homemade stuffed french toast
    Frozen berries + chocolate protein powder + milk (yum chocberry icecream/milkshake!)
  • herbadot
    herbadot Posts: 16
    One phrase: thank God for Skinny Cow Ice Cream Sandwiches!!!!!! They come in chocolate :D

    I sooo agree and it is HOT here so anything cold is great. Love the frozen grape idea will try it. Also make "happy juice" in a blender I mix ice, water 1 tbls of frozen lemonaide, and Herbalife's herbal tea concentrate 1 1/2 to 2 teaspoons. More cold things are Philly Swirl Swirl Stix at 48 calories and fat, dairy, and gluten free. Going to get creative with the blender and fresh fruit, ice and water to see what I can come up with in smoothies. Just bought some fresh limes, and pineapple.
  • Brandzilla
    Brandzilla Posts: 51 Member
    The Jello temptation chocolate mouse cups are sugar free and only 60 calories and they are so good!! It's like eating chocolate mouse no joke! Also I love the quaker chocolate drizzle rice cakes. Those are bomb. Skinny cows are a must. Just make sure you have the will power to eat just one ha ha.
  • selbyhutch
    selbyhutch Posts: 531 Member
    Light Laughing Cow Cheese - on celery or whatever - really yummy in eggs.
    Eggs/Egg Beaters w/ spinach, canadian bacon, mushrooms & of course light laughing cow.
    Homemade multigrain waffles w/ peanut butter.

    Yeah, I'm a breakfast person.
  • dawnna76
    dawnna76 Posts: 987 Member
    a 60 calories sugar free chocolae pudding cup and a tsp of reduced fat PB mixed in. tastes just like a recess peanut butter cup!

    Tip if you try it. (melt the Pb a bit in the microwave first so its easier to stir in.
  • michlingle
    michlingle Posts: 797 Member
    red wine!!! believe it or not, a glass only has 100 cals.....
  • RacheBell
    RacheBell Posts: 111
    Celery and garlic herb Laughing Cow cheese wedge. Or a Queso Fresco Laughing Cow cheese wedge, 1 whole wheat tortilla, and some salsa. So good!
  • dontpanic1984
    dontpanic1984 Posts: 82 Member
    red wine!!! believe it or not, a glass only has 100 cals.....

    WOO! that's a treat, right there. it's so nice to find a drink that's not killer on the calories. plus it's full of antioxidants.

    I also love lime flavored sparkling water. i squeeze a lemon wedge in to make it extra tangy. it ends up being almost 1 cal after the lemon. :D
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    Light Laughing Cow Cheese - on celery or whatever - really yummy in eggs.
    Eggs/Egg Beaters w/ spinach, canadian bacon, mushrooms & of course light laughing cow.
    Homemade multigrain waffles w/ peanut butter.

    Yeah, I'm a breakfast person.

    Whoa! This is totally me!! I like to eat these things for lunch and dinner too :) I had multigrain pancakes for breakfast and laughing cow for a snack! I added eggs into my taco meat/ spanish rice mixture for some more bulk so I wouldn't be hungry later. Eggs are amazing!

    I also like greek yogurt, Luna bars, amy's organic frozen meals, light english muffins, baking my own fries...yum!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Currently I've been eating the Michoacana Coconut icecream bars. They are 190 cals. A little on the high end of cals but OMG I love coconut and they are to die for good.

    Cookies & Cream Skinny Cow Icecream Sandwiches

    Healthy Choice Fudge bars - like frozen chocolate milk on a stick

    Pirate Booty if I want something salty
  • michlingle
    michlingle Posts: 797 Member
    red wine!!! believe it or not, a glass only has 100 cals.....

    WOO! that's a treat, right there. it's so nice to find a drink that's not killer on the calories. plus it's full of antioxidants.

    I also love lime flavored sparkling water. i squeeze a lemon wedge in to make it extra tangy. it ends up being almost 1 cal after the lemon. :D

    Except when i drink the whole bottle, then it's about 500 cals....ah well, if it's in the budget...
  • Rhaeven
    Rhaeven Posts: 123 Member
    I'm on very low carb diet at the moment and to bulk up my small meals through out the day I eat a lot of tomatoes and cucumbers mixed with some Balsamic vinegar. If I'm having a sweet tooth I will mix a packet of Splenda in with the vinegar or sprinkle a tad bit of salt and a load of pepper if I don't have a sweet tooth. I love the Balsamic vinegar, it is a life saver for me :)
  • ilikeredlipstick
    ilikeredlipstick Posts: 9 Member
    I recently discovered 100 calorie cups of Yo Crunch Cheesecake yogurt that come with graham cracker crumbles to mix in. Mmm.

    Honestly, the best thing I ever did was invest in some good low calorie salad dressings. I bought a whole bunch of different flavors so that I don't get bored of salads. Also - keeping low cal dressing with you at all times keeps it easy to eat a better meal at restaurants with no low calorie salad dressing options.
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    I'll take 2 scoops of chocolate whey protein powder, a bunch of crushed ice, water and 10-15 whole, unground coffee beans and throw it in the Magic Bullet. Kinda my version of a healthy Starbucks.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I'll take 2 scoops of chocolate whey protein powder, a bunch of crushed ice, water and 10-15 whole, unground coffee beans and throw it in the Magic Bullet. Kinda my version of a healthy Starbucks.

    That's interesting...never thought about throwing in some raw coffee beans in my smoothie! I will have to try it.

    I LOVE my magic bullet.
  • mckelan
    mckelan Posts: 9
    I take 3 tablespoons popcorn kernels, put in a Brown paper bag, put in micro ...when it comes out i put popcorn seasoning on it !! saves me every day !!! I also use laughing cow (who doesn't heehee) I put it on low fat triscuits. :bigsmile:
  • stfuandrun
    stfuandrun Posts: 106 Member
    I just discovered kale chips! I make my own in the oven. I tear up some kale and spin the water off in a salad spinner, making sure the leaves are totally dry. Then I toss the kale with a tsp of olive oil and bake in the oven (350 degrees) for 12 minutes. If they're not done, keep checking on them every two minutes until they're nice and crispy. Then I sprinkle a bit of kosher salt on them. They are sooooo yummy!
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    In the mornings I have cheese grits. Yes, CHEESE grits. :) And they're not specifically marked as a diet food. It's just quaker instant grit packets. 1 gram of fat per packet, and two packets are completely filling.
  • kelika71
    kelika71 Posts: 778 Member
    It may sound odd and it took a couple of tries before I really liked it. Instead of dressings on salad, I use pico de gallo. Not only do a get a 1/2 cup vs. 2 Tbs, but it beats salsas and dressings in sodium!!
    Because I make my own, I can make it as spicy as I want. :)
  • sexygenius
    sexygenius Posts: 1,078 Member
    eggo bake shop twists are only 180 calories..and soooo good..and good sized portion
    do egg substitutes make anyone else sad?(real egg or egg whites are sooo much better)
    kashi mayan harvest dinner---YUM!
    smothies..(home made)
    bacon-two slices only has 70 cals..but it's drilled in my mind that they are bad for you..so i get the "cheaty" feeling
    yogurt (i like to make popsicles with it)
    frozen blue berries and grapes