I'm doing it! Motivated to change.

I've become so unhappy with the way I look and feel. I feel like I'm finally ready to make some real changes now. No more excuses. No more procrastination. No more outrageously unrealistic goals. I'm 29, 5'6, and currently weigh 224 lbs. I must be responsible, mindful, and accountable for what I eat and how often I move.

I'm making monthly goals for now. Realistic and reachable. My February goals:

1. Log everything I eat into MFP. EVERYTHING. Even the bad stuff.

2. Increase my average daily steps to 5000 for the entire month. My current average as of today is 4394.

No weight loss goal this month. I just need to get myself started. I plan to weigh every Friday.



  • SJunczyk
    SJunczyk Posts: 430 Member
    I am almost 29 and this year is MY year. Fed uo with how I look and feel. I know it is all down to me so I am feeling your determination!
    I have an aproximate weight goal and plan to weigh myself every 4 weeks. starting running a coupke of weeks ago with the added mini workout at home. Feel free to add me - always looking for buddies on MFP
  • Fat4Fuel2
    Fat4Fuel2 Posts: 280 Member
    I turn 25 this year (which is really scary for me). I want to look and feel great. I'm 5'3", 162, and want to get down to 135. The scale moves slow for me, so I've been taking pictures every week. I can compare them side-by-side, and I'm seeing small changes in my body even though the scale is not moving. It's keeping me motivated through the frustration.
  • Boobietrap1337
    Boobietrap1337 Posts: 195 Member
    I'm just now 30, and halfway through my weight loss goal! the end of 2014 was my year, but 2015 is going to be 10 times what last year was! You'll be amazed at what you can do if you put your mind to it.