Seeking accountabilabuddies!



  • mistytomlin
    mistytomlin Posts: 7 Member
    Anyone can add me, I'm 35 5'5 and 198lbs. I've lost 30 lbs in the last year and would like to lose 50 more. I keep up with my for 80% of the time and try to exercise 3x a week. Need people to keep me accountable! Thanks
  • MisMolly
    MisMolly Posts: 88 Member
    Hi friends! Add me if you like. I will be 30 in a month and a half and I would like to lose about 35 lbs (I am 5'7'' and weigh about 175-180.) However, I may focus is mostly on become fitter, stronger, and more confident. I was in much better shape a few years ago and would like to be there again.