CANADIAN EH! - Tuesday

hexidecimal Posts: 18
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
Hi Everyone. I hope it's okay that I jumped in and started a post, but I couldn't find one. I find that reading the posts and being able to put in my two cents worth helps to keep me focussed. As usual I have a super busy day planned, work, daughter to dance, move some hay bales for my dance group, home for dinner by 8:00pm. Maybe dig some post holes if I have time.

Well, I stayed at my calorie limit yesterday, and I'm spacing it out okay so far today but I'm not sur how I'm going to make it to 8:00for dinner. My biggest problem (that I could use some help with) is that I know I've eaten enough but I'm still hungry! It drives me crazy. Water and peppermint tea seems to help but I wonder if anyone has any suggestions.

I'm looking forward to catching a few more rays of sunshine this afternoon and then we're having chicken and salad for dinner.

Hope everyone's having a good day!


  • mkep3000
    mkep3000 Posts: 11
    Afternoon! I'm not sure when you started but I found personally that I was starving when I first begain MFP. It was such a decrease in calories compared to what I was eating before and my body had to adjust to the lower caloric intake. It took some time but I have found I am not really hungry at the end of the day- stomach has shrank and has accepted the lower amount of food.

    Good luck!
  • blondie76
    blondie76 Posts: 552 Member
    feel free to jump in, I am from BC, So excited that the rain here finally stopped so I can burn some extra cals doing yard work!

    Cheers and have a great day!
  • squoozyq
    squoozyq Posts: 305
    Exercise, and then you will have some extra calories for the times that you feel really hungry!
  • Corrie62
    Corrie62 Posts: 191
    I totally relate Hex...I am starving all the time. I try to stay hydrated and that helps a bit, but not totally. For me I think what is happening is craving the old bad for me foods, rather than being truely hungry. I think that no matter how many calories I consumed of "healthy" food, I would still feel hungry.

    Day is busy at work...had a lunch meeting (brown bag) so can go home early. Hubby still on days off. Wonder what he will cook for supper? Always a challenge to figure out how many calories are in the foods he prepares, and how much I can eat. Last night was tacos. He is trying to take my needs into consideration though. The other night he said he was proud of my effort, and is now thinking of starting to exercise more too. Nice.

    Weather in Saskatoon is crappy...cold and rainy. Nice to know Blondie that there may be a bit of a reprieve coming from BC.
  • divaphotogirl
    divaphotogirl Posts: 2 Member
    I have found in the past, that restricting my calories, but exercising or lots of running around causes me to be hungry... Hexi... have you logged any of your exercise.? . even if it seems so small..... When you do that, you will gain more calories to eat.. so you may be burning off too much too quickly. try it... works for me !
  • Well, unfortunately we're back to pouring rain for the next week. Thanks for all the input, ladies. I need the boost. Never though of it being a "craving" - Corrie, I'll keep that in mind.
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