Introducing myself/Looking for support

I just signed up today. I have had a real set back due to emotional eating from severe stress and am trying to get back on track. Finances are one of the stress factors now so joining anything at all that costs money was not an option and sticking to a specific plan where I would always have to have specific foods on hand to stay on a particular diet is not an option for financial reasons as well. So a friend of mine who is doing Weight Watchers and counting points gave me alot of points values for foods I would typically always have on hand and for the last 2 days I have done perfect and today is day 3 and I am on target. Depression and anxiety are factors here and since I am an emotional eater and have no health insurance I cannot get the help I need so I need support and suggestions on not USING food as my emotional crutch. I lost a total of 177 lbs and was dedicated to my eating and exercise plan and about 6 months ago 5 very stressful life events took place and I began to overeat and just stopped exercising. The end result to that is a weight gain of about 40 to 45 lbs and I am miserable and I have nothing to wear. I want to do this and have to do this so I am using every tool available to me including this site.