Need motivational help with my goal of losing +80 pounds

Hello! I'm looking for friends to encourage me to workout, share recipes, shopping and cooking advice, and/or anything you'd feel like sharing to help encourage one another. Feel free to add me.


  • Khalstead0517
    Khalstead0517 Posts: 42 Member
    I sent you a friend request...I have already lost 80, but have another 150+ to go
  • PudgyPanda91
    PudgyPanda91 Posts: 72 Member
    I have about 90 pounds total to lose, I'll send you a request!
  • cassmonster
    cassmonster Posts: 58 Member
    I have 80 to lose too!! We got this !
  • Leonafstone
    Leonafstone Posts: 4 Member
    I'm trying to lose 200 pounds.When I started on January 5 weighed 378. I lost 28 pounds in 3 weeks. Good start but trying to stay motivated. Working out 5 days a week.