Any other mamas trying to lose baby weight?



  • katynz79
    katynz79 Posts: 2 Member
    Yep I sure am too! My babe is nearly 8 months, my big babe is 12! I have lost 4kg (8lb) using my fitbit flex and following MFP for the last 3 weeks. I am hoping to lose another 16kg (35lb) before a holiday to Italy in 6 months. Then I will maybe aim for another 10kg (22lb) to be in healthy weight range :) Would love motivation from others so please add me :) I have just joined a 6 week bootcamp, which I already love!
  • seamonster111
    seamonster111 Posts: 18 Member
    I would also love to be part of this forum. Is there a specific place that I go to to "join" or does each person "add" the others to their profile?

    I have a 6 month old girl and a 2 year old boy. I want to get back to pre-pregnancy minus The 20 I had before pregnancy (grand total of 40). I've adopted an outlook that it took me 40 weeks to gain 40 pounds, so I'll take the next 40 weeks to lose it! Just started 3 weeks ago and am down 4 pounds but would love an accountabilibuddy (or many) to keep me going!

  • kerastivers
    kerastivers Posts: 10 Member
    Definitely in the same journey I've had two in the last two years I didn't waste anytime I'm ready to quit being big and pregnant and get back to me I'm 50 pounds away from my goal and have no friends on here or support elsewhere!!
  • jade_222
    jade_222 Posts: 147 Member
    I have an 19 month old son. I gained about 50-55 pounds have lost about 40 pounds. I'm fluctuating these last 10 pounds and just can't seem to loose them. I think I just need the extra focus to get these last few pounds off.
  • jesselaine1234
    jesselaine1234 Posts: 16 Member
    Okay I'm in the process of adding all of you moms to my friends list :-)

    fmondragon34- adding people on mobile has proven to be very difficult… I don't know if it's just my phone or what. I will add you and you can except my friend request if you would like.
    Also if you want to add people in the future what You can do is send a message to that person and that go to your sent box and click the username and it takes you to their profile. I don't know why it's like this, I think that's kind of silly but that's how I do it.
  • steviloren
    Hi Jessica,

    I am 3 months postpartum and I am now on my journey to lose baby weight & life weight! 60 pounds is my goal! This will be a hard road but I'm ready for the challenge!!!
  • skimoremom
    skimoremom Posts: 3 Member
    I have a 3 month old, my 3rd child, done having babies and ready to get fit and lighter!! Im 5'3" 187lbs. My goal is to drop 7 lbs in febuary, my plan to log in everyday staying at calories allowed and exercise 4 times a week for 45 minutes. Ultimately I want to be at 150 again, I feel good at thst weight and I know its obtainable! Any other moms breast feeding? Sometimes I find my self so hungry!!! Good luck! Ill be working hard with ya!
  • cassiemarienorris
    I'm in the same boat! Wanting to lose about 80lbs after having 2 kids back to back, been struggling for 4 years now. Feel free to add me on here
  • mummyappleseed
    mummyappleseed Posts: 42 Member
    I want to loose 70lb. My daughter is six months. I was very healthy during pregnancy & didn't pig out because I already had a bmi over thirty & didn't want to risk pregnancy diabetes or other complications and was desperate to deliver in the birth centre instead of the medically assisted birth suit.
    Ended up in the suit anyway. Determined to loose the weight before we try for number two xxx
  • mamanewland
    mamanewland Posts: 281 Member
    I'm a mom of 4 and never thought I could lose the baby weight. But with hard work I'm down 37 lbs so far! Add me as friend!
  • CyeRyn
    CyeRyn Posts: 389 Member
    My baby is 6mo old today! I have about 25-30lbs to go to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight. I gained a good 70lbs with this last pregnancy. Trying to change the diet I had when I was pregnant back to watching calories and eating healthier has been my biggest trial. Feel free to add me!
  • DEgal99
    DEgal99 Posts: 100 Member
    My baby is almost 13 months (so technically a toddlar! ahhhhh!), and I'm now starting to really buckle down and get healthy. So, feel free to add me!
  • melnikn
    melnikn Posts: 41 Member
    add a mom of 3. . my kids are 6, 4, and 2. i lost 50lbs. have 20lbs to go.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I'm Dawn and I'm 37 and a mum of 3 - age 5.5, 3.5 and 9 months. I always gain too much in pregnancy no matter what I do, and the third time was no exception, so I still have about 30lbs to lose to get to pre-pregnancy weight. I lost it all after my other two so I know it's possible.

    I've been logging on MFP for 950 days now, all through my third pregnancy even, but I've been exercising and eating healthily for years.
  • cgh05
    cgh05 Posts: 1
    Good luck to you all! While I am actually about 20 pounds less than I was pre-pregnancy, I am still looking to lose. I had gained weight before getting pregnant the 2nd time. Is anyone using Bikini Body Mommy? I am starting it today! I can't wait!!
  • notnormallyacaloriecounter
    Hi, I'm Becky, my son will be 6 weeks old tomorrow and my daughter will be 2 on the 18th. I lost 35 pounds using this app before I found out I was pregnant with my daughter, gained it all back and never lost it. When I was pregnant with my son I gained 30 more pounds. Now I hang out with my kids, eat and pump breast milk. Don't have anyone to talk to or hang out with besides my boyfriend. So feel free to add me, hopefully we can support each other.
  • carlymichellle
    Hi!! I'm 28 and I have a 5 year old and 1 year old twins!!! I need TONS of motivation!! Baby weight is the worse!
  • sm997
    sm997 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! This is my first time really posting on here. Haven't really used it consistently ... I'm 11 weeks postpartum and have 10 lbs left to go. Am 5'2" 115 lbs and am trying to get to 105... Was 100 before baby but I just don't forsee that in my future now!! I'm exclusively pumping (I have an oversupply and got mastitis twice already because baby girl doesn't empty my breasts nearly enough) so we switched to the pump. I'm not finding that breast feeding is helping a ton - I was 147 when I delivered her and 122 two weeks later - we ended up in the NICU (she's ok!) but I didn't eat for about two weeks... Since November 28, I've lost 7 pounds only. And I'm already exercising an hour most days :(. Definitely seeing a "plateau" and not happy. Been around 115 for about 2 weeks now :( Would love to be held accountable!!
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    sm997 wrote: »
    Hi! This is my first time really posting on here. Haven't really used it consistently ... I'm 11 weeks postpartum and have 10 lbs left to go. Am 5'2" 115 lbs and am trying to get to 105... Was 100 before baby but I just don't forsee that in my future now!! I'm exclusively pumping (I have an oversupply and got mastitis twice already because baby girl doesn't empty my breasts nearly enough) so we switched to the pump. I'm not finding that breast feeding is helping a ton - I was 147 when I delivered her and 122 two weeks later - we ended up in the NICU (she's ok!) but I didn't eat for about two weeks... Since November 28, I've lost 7 pounds only. And I'm already exercising an hour most days :(. Definitely seeing a "plateau" and not happy. Been around 115 for about 2 weeks now :( Would love to be held accountable!!

    At your weight you're not going to lose quickly at all. To lose 7lbs since the end of Nov you've done really well. You should aim for about 0.5lbs a week. I'm a lot heavier than you are and I only lose about 1lb a week, eat at a big deficit and exercise loads.

    You have 10lbs to lose, and you're pretty thin now. Relax, you'll get there, just enjoy your baby, take her for walks and things and don't undereat.
  • jesselaine1234
    jesselaine1234 Posts: 16 Member
    Okay ladies I think I've added everyone but if not message me or reply to this post. Yay for weight loss and healthy living buddies :)