looking for sum support for my 8 month old son

On Thursday he woke up reli I'll with breathing problems so I got him an emergency appointment at the doctors we went and was told to go straight to the hospital wen we got there I signed him in and waited a hole hour before he got seen wen he got seen his oxygen levels dipped to 40 we then got rushed to resus he hasn't been taken any of his feedsbor nothing so he was on a fluid drip and antibiotics through a drip he was on oxygen all of Thursday night but Friday he seemed to be getting abit better he was taken his feeds and wasn't on oxygen so they kept him in overnight anyway but all was good and doc sent us home Saturday morningat 10.30 but I had soon realised by 6-7 he had only had 4oz of milk so we went bk to hospital Saturday night he's still in there being tube fed the tube goes up his nose and into his belly we have tried to get him to take his bottles but he won't hes still poorly and its horrible to see and also I have another son who nearly 3 and I've hardly seen him its heart breaking plz keep my baby Tommy in ur prays that he gets better soon and starts taken his feeds, I'm so sorry this isn't Mfp related but I thought I cud ask xx