looking for some more supportive friends

Hello! I am a busy mom of 4. I've trying to lose weight for about a year now. Lost about 30 lbs. then gained about 10 back the last few months. I go up and down with it. I let stress and life get the best of me. I am a eater for everything-bored, hungry, stressed, etc.. Trying to channel if differently gets hard at times. This isn't easy to do, so a great support system is always helpful. My kids are very supportive but sometimes it would be nice to chat and/or get support from someone understands my struggle. Thanks and Good luck to us all on our journey. :D


  • giganteR
    giganteR Posts: 3 Member
    I'm a mom of 3 and I know your struggles. I wish you the best of luck
  • bainsworth1a
    bainsworth1a Posts: 313 Member
    This is a great place for support. My daughter is a mom of 3 boys and she has been very successful here. she motivated me to come back to MFP. I have a long way to go and have been fluctuating lately between 25 - 30 lbs lost. The most important thing for me is to get on here everyday and track everything I am eating good and bad so I can see where I need to make better choices.

    good luck to you
  • FrancisCV7
    FrancisCV7 Posts: 123 Member
    While I don't have any kids, I can sympathize with the fluctuating weight. Life wasn't meant to be easy, if it was we'd all be billionaires, right? ;) Just have to power through and remember that tomorrow is a new day to become a better version of our self from the day before!!

    Feel free to add me, I log daily and am always good for support and motivation :)
  • nellielovescupcakes
    Mom of twins and although I got it off it crept back on this holiday season! Hang in there, this is how I lost a lot of my weight last time. Hoping to get the same results again and hope you get to your goal too!