I need to lose 10 pounds & could use help!

im a twin Mom looking for other female friends to support and help motivate me. I'm almost 40 and while I do workout, my eating habits are terrible!! I eat what my kids and husband like but it's not always the healthiest. Need to get back on track! Feel free to add me!! Good luck everyone!


  • nuGGz69
    You got this ! I know I'm not a female, but do know how to lose ! Stick to the program and you will do just fine! #eatgreatloseweight
  • nellielovescupcakes
    So hard. This time of day is the worst! Just brushed my teeth and sitting upstairs so I don't snack after hrs!!
  • rclarkin
    rclarkin Posts: 27
    edited January 2015
    Anything that's worth it in life is hard.
  • nellielovescupcakes
    It is my first day starting back into this so I have a feeling it will be hard for a couple of weeks...
  • rclarkin
    Embrace it, you're taking on the challenge while there are lazy people not doing anything to change their lives.
  • rclarkin
    And I would recommend that you stop affirming that it will be hard. It's obvious it will be hard, it comes with the territory. You don't complain to your kids about how hard it is to raise them... so don't complain about how hard fitness is, instead acknowledge that it will be challenging but know that you have the strength to conquer the challenge. If you can raise kids, you have the mental strength to become the fittest version of yourself with ease.
  • nellielovescupcakes
    Even though I'm trying to reach a goal (and embracing it) I know it is about the journey too. I am wondering if the nighttime hunger thing is something that will go away eventually or will it be a battle for me each and every night. I'm on the east coast and this snowstorm isn't helping...
  • rclarkin
    Buy questbars to satisfy your nightime hunger. It's almost all protein/fiber. The net carbs are extremely low. Eating late doesn't make you gain fat, that's a myth. It comes down to the net balance of calories at the end of the day.
  • vickierivero1
    vickierivero1 Posts: 46 Member
    edited January 2015
    you can do this. I have come to learn that the only challenge here is the mental challenge. There are days that we want to give up because we think we cant do it. No way. Take one day at a time. Every day wake up and tell yourself, "I can do this." Oh yea, as far as the night time hunger... I am struggling with that as well. I tried to drink a big cup of green tea after supper to help fill me up. Didn't work. I guess its just something we have to get used to. :( I am so very tempted to go to the refrigerator and grab a yogurt. I cant do that. I think I am going to hang a little bikini on my wall and stare at it as I work out.
  • nellielovescupcakes
    Thank you for the motivational words. My heart knows you're right in what your saying but my head is just refusing to acknowledge it at the moment. Part of the reward is also the challenges to face to get there.
  • nellielovescupcakes
    I didn't know the night time eating was a myth? Good to know I just need to eat the right thing, instead of just anything. I eat a little bag of popcorn and think well I blew it so I can eat whatever now. I'm in teaching myself that bad habit. I like that mantra @vickierivero1‌
  • rclarkin
    If you are going to eat something at night, I would recommend having something that is mostly protein.
  • nellielovescupcakes
    I have heard a tablespoon of peanut butter is good? I will also try the quest bars.
  • rclarkin
    Peanut butter is very calorie dense (high in fat) and won't satiate you as much as a quest bar.
  • nellielovescupcakes
    Can you can recommend a flavor of the quest bar? Also what's the most important here low fat, low carb or low calorie? Not in general, just regarding eating after 7 pm.
  • vickierivero1
    vickierivero1 Posts: 46 Member
    girl, a few days ago I broke down and ate m&ms and then felt like crap about it and ate peppermint patties. Truth be told we will have our days. I have literally took anything dirty for my diet out of my cabinets and refrigerator. Now, I have been tempted to get into my daughters snacks but I honestly grabbed some water and walked away. If I overdo it like I did with the chocolate then I really push myself to work it off and not do it again. Man is it hard. I made some steamed veggies with cracked peppercorn today and ewwww. I wanted what my daughter was having instead. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath and remembered why I decided to diet to begin with. I looked at my daughter and ate. Uphill battles can be won!
  • nellielovescupcakes
    I had some tell me that nothing tastes as good as thin feels but they clearly don't know how delicious chocolate is. Thanks for sharing @vickierivero1‌ I know I need to stay on track and your story is similar to mine, thanks for the motivation!!
  • rclarkin
    All of them are great, I like chocolate chip cookie dough but they just came out with a smore's flavor so i'm going to try that soon! :smile: I would say low fat, and if you aren't working out regularly, low carb but like I said, it doesn't matter as long as you are in a caloric deficit at the end of the day.
  • nellielovescupcakes
    I workout pretty hard but the "workout and eat whatever I want" no longer applies, so this is (besides losing 70 lbs after I had my kids) the first time in ages I am monitoring what I eat. I don't eat fried foods too often but I love chocolate and cheese...actually I love almost all food. Thanks for the quest bar suggestions, I just need to make better choices. Can you buy them anywhere?
  • rclarkin
    Pretty much! And great job with losing 70lbs, that's phenomenal!