100 Lbs Lost, Tons of Confidence Gained

Jenna_Picascio97 Posts: 1
edited January 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Hey there everyone! My names Jenna, Im 17 years old, and Im from Long Island, New York. I have recently hit my all time extreme weight of 220 lbs. I dont know how Ive let myself reach this state of weight gain. But its happened and now I have to fix my mistakes. My weight has been an issue ever since I was a kid. I have to say that I started to gain weight around the 5th grade when my Granny became ill. After she died I began to eat my feelings away. This problem and slue of other family issues led me to suffocate my emotions with food. I am so tired of looking in the mirror and being disgusted with what I have done to myself. Because the girl that Im portraying on the outside isnt really me on the inside. Im fun-loving and outgoing. Laughing is my hobby and singing is my passion. But these and many other qualities are masked by my weight. So I have decided to start this journey of self discovery and self healing. I would love to not be alone on this journey, so please if anyone has anything that they would like to share with me, please dont hesitate to contact me.


  • alyana36
    alyana36 Posts: 2 Member
    You got this!!!
  • sisco1021
    sisco1021 Posts: 10 Member
    Best of luck on your journey. You are young and can make this change now and reap the benefits for years and years. Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like. I'm originally from LI too.
  • Negriita2010
    Negriita2010 Posts: 45 Member
    add me
  • Best of luck... I too will be loosing i hope over 100lbs... U can do it... Add me if you like..
  • KitschyCatLady
    KitschyCatLady Posts: 2 Member
    Wow! I am so happy and proud of you....17 years old, and you are taking charge of your life! Changing poor eating and exercise habits will not be easy, but if you put your mind to it, you will succeed! Good luck, sweetie!
  • Hey maybe you can help me! I just turned 20 like 2 weeks ago and I need to lose about 150 Pounds to be where my doctor wants me! It seems impossible but I know with motivation and encouragement I can do this! Can you add me please!