42 lbs to lose



  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    edited January 2015
    MrM27 wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    The general guidelines are 1 to 2 lbs per week (no matter how much you need to lose). Just stay at or above 1200 calories. And some doctors say that even 3 to 4 lbs isn't particularly unsafe, if it is done safely. The big problem with losing more than 2 lbs is that it requires a significant amount of exercise to create the required calorie deficit.
    No that is not the general rule. That is just what y9utube'd believe and y9utube'd are incorrect. When are you going 5 start actually doing some research and quitting spouting nonsense. Enough with you already.

    What?! That is utter nonsense. I have yet to find anyone outside of some people (such as yourself) who keep posting this stuff to MFP that is saying that trying to lose 1 to 2 lbs per week isn't safe.
    Do you understand that your body will only oxidize a certain amount of fat per day? If you have just a few calories to lose and you're trying to lose 2 lbs per day where do you think the body is going to pull the energy it needs? I'm not even surprised you don't understand that concept.


    Interesting. According to your link, that limit is 290kJ/kgd. For a 45 kg person (100 lbs), that works out to be 13154 kJ/day. (3144 Calories/day) That's 22007 Calories per week, or 6.29 lbs of fat per week. For a 150 lb person, it is 9.43 lbs per week. 12.6 for 200 lbs. 15.7 for 250 lbs. And for a very large person at 300 lbs, it is 18.9 lbs per week.

    Obviously, a 100 lb person isn't going to have a deficit of 22007 Calories per week without significant exercise, but if that 290+/-25kJ/kgd is correct, 3 or 4 lbs per week is well under the max.

    Your math is wrong.

    (290+/-25) kJ/kgd = 31+/-2.7 kcal/pounds of fat
    MrM27 wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    The general guidelines are 1 to 2 lbs per week (no matter how much you need to lose). Just stay at or above 1200 calories. And some doctors say that even 3 to 4 lbs isn't particularly unsafe, if it is done safely. The big problem with losing more than 2 lbs is that it requires a significant amount of exercise to create the required calorie deficit.
    No that is not the general rule. That is just what y9utube'd believe and y9utube'd are incorrect. When are you going 5 start actually doing some research and quitting spouting nonsense. Enough with you already.

    What?! That is utter nonsense. I have yet to find anyone outside of some people (such as yourself) who keep posting this stuff to MFP that is saying that trying to lose 1 to 2 lbs per week isn't safe.
    Do you understand that your body will only oxidize a certain amount of fat per day? If you have just a few calories to lose and you're trying to lose 2 lbs per day where do you think the body is going to pull the energy it needs? I'm not even surprised you don't understand that concept.


    Interesting. According to your link, that limit is 290kJ/kgd. For a 45 kg person (100 lbs), that works out to be 13154 kJ/day. (3144 Calories/day) That's 22007 Calories per week, or 6.29 lbs of fat per week. For a 150 lb person, it is 9.43 lbs per week. 12.6 for 200 lbs. 15.7 for 250 lbs. And for a very large person at 300 lbs, it is 18.9 lbs per week.

    Obviously, a 100 lb person isn't going to have a deficit of 22007 Calories per week without significant exercise, but if that 290+/-25kJ/kgd is correct, 3 or 4 lbs per week is well under the max.

    He's not saying it isn't safe to lose at that rate, he is saying it's an ignorant blanket statement because you fail to take context and personal stats into consideration. If someone is at a relatively lower body fat and looking to lose 2 lbs per week, it will not all be fat and FFM will also be lost.
    Yup. Blanket statements are blanket.

    You're really going to fault me for ignoring the +/-25kJ margin of error?

    For the 100 lb person 31.44+/-2.7 kCal/lbd still works out to be 3144+/-270 kCal per day. Which is still 22007+/-1890 kCal per week. Which is still 6.29 +/-0.54 lbs of fat per week.

    3 or 4 lbs is still well below the max that your link gives, even for the 100 lb person who happens to fall on the low side of it.

    Does that mean we should tell a 100 lb person that she should try to lose 5.75 lbs of fat per week? No, but the link indicates that it is possible to do so. The OP wanted to know if 2 lbs was reasonable. Obviously, if 5.75 lbs is possible for a 100 lb person, then 2 lbs is reasonable for pretty much anyone, with the exception of very tiny people.

    No, again a blanket statement as it ignores goals and context.
  • SandyBVTN
    SandyBVTN Posts: 367 Member
    OP, I can only speak from my own experience. I've lost 18lbs and am working on another 20/25 by eating 1200-1300 most days, and eating back my exercise calories when I do (very seldom, to be honest) work out. It works for me and I don't feel weak or that I am losing muscle. Best of luck to you!
  • sarahsst
    I just joined FP. I am at my heaviest I have ever been. I haven't been on the scale since November, I'm 200 lbs. 200 lbs...200 lbs. Hard to comprehend. A shirt from Target size XL was too small. I will be 47 in March and I want to stop this cycle of losing and gaining weight. I have wasted so much time worrying and beating myself up and not being present in my day to day life because I avoid life or delay life because I always think it would be better if I weighed less.... I can do better I know I can. People do this and so much more every day.. I need to do this.....
  • Chocothundathighs
    Chocothundathighs Posts: 16 Member
    Lose however much you feel comfortable with. If you feel healthy losing 2lbs a week, go for it. Honestly, unless you have a lot to lose, 2lbs a week is very difficult unless you are starving yourself/ working out a lot. If you are just starting your weight loss journey and have changed your diet, usually if you lose a lot of weight in one week it is water loss. Fat loss is linear. I highly recommend changing to a healthy diet, 80% of weight loss is diet and your body with thank you for it. I also recommend getting some blood panels done and taking progress pictures so you can see your progress. It helps for those weeks when you don't lose on the scale. Feel free to add me on here if you would like some support and tips! I have lost 54lbs in 5months, with 92lbs more to go. :)