Small, yet immensely satisfying improvements?

GingerbreadCandy Posts: 403 Member
edited January 2015 in Motivation and Support
So, I am two months in my weight loss journey already, but this really started some two-three weeks in. To give some background, I used to be a fairly athletic teenager without really knowing it – so I was used to things such a flat stomach and fairly muscular legs.

Then I moved out for college, and that's where my physical form crashed – I haven't done much physical exercise for the past four and a half years (see nothing), I put on 10 kg, 30% body fat and could't run more than 15 minutes on the treadmill at a relatively slow pace. Whilst being unfit frustrated me to no end, my body image never bothered me that much. Anyhow, I decided to embark on a weight loss journey only after reaching an overweight BMI, and with the primary goal of getting fitter rather than losing weight.

Just three weeks later – BAM! Flat stomach and I start seeing definition in it again (I have always had a fairly flat stomach so it doesn't necessarily mean much in terms of weight loss). When I touched it, I could suddenly feel a layer of tight muscles that I had not felt in years. Later I realised that when I put my hands on my legs, though they had not shrunk that much, they were suddenly much harder and felt way more toned. And today, while running my hands down my back, I could slightly feel my ribcage under a layer of skin.

And the thing is – I was really not expecting it, and suddenly feeling my muscles again, realising they are there and pumping and just waiting to be used was a massive motivator to keep this up long term.

I was wondering if anyone else has had or is having similar experiences and finds them as satisfying or motivating as I do? If yes, what was it? :smile:


  • yayamom3
    yayamom3 Posts: 939 Member
    This seems so trivial, but I no longer have to struggle to zip my boots over my large calves. I noticed a few days ago that they just zip right up on the first try!