Should I work with IIFYM?

I went to the site and had it calculate the # of grams for each of the Macros based on my weight, height etc... now I am wondering if I should enter those numbers here in MFP?
I have been losing and gaining the same 2lbs since just before the holidays, with no changes.
My diary is open, and I log consistently based on weight for solids, and cups or weight for liquids.
Not sure what to do at this point - thinking maybe the Macros would help? But I am REALLY at a loss on how to know what foods have what I need to fit the macros. It just seems really complicated for someone just trying to drop the last 10lbs.


  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    I like having macros as goals. I like the structure of it. But I'm pretty loosey goosey with the application. Net calories is far more important in my opinion. Those last 10lbs ARE hard to lose. I'm aiming for 2 lbs a month and I have more than 10 to lose. I have gotten to a crazy low bf% in the past, fairly quickly, but I had to use extreme methods to get there. Perhaps you want to consider treating these last 10lbs as a pre-maintenance training period.
  • tiggis2006
    If you follow the IIFMM plan you will lose fat, preserve muscle and feel great.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    tracymayo1 wrote: »
    now I am wondering if I should enter those numbers here in MFP?

    Why not try it?

    Ultimately, it's your calories that matter, but a lot of people find that focusing on macros provides some structure and can make it easier to stick to a sustainable eating plan. I'm on my last 5 lbs now, so I know what you mean about the frustration--I was stalled over December (which I know is because I was eating too much), and only managed to get back to losing in January, and am trying to focus on losing at a slower rate while increasing fitness, which to me is motivating. Focusing on macros helps me with that.
  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
    edited January 2015
    Also remember: IIFYM =/=

    IIFYM is a philosophy of eating that says to eat whatever you want in order to achieve your fitness and health goals. You don't have to hit your macros on the nose. is a monetized website that leverages the IIFYM concept. It appears to be helpful to some people; I have no use for it.

    It shouldn't seem really complicated. It should be freeing. If it's not freeing you're stressing about it too much.
  • tracymayo1
    tracymayo1 Posts: 445 Member
    Yeah I think I worry about having to pre-log and plan everything to be sure I am getting the grams of each thing says I should. Like I should have 106.5g-carbs / 178g - protein / 80.g-fat a day 36-45g of fiber... I usually log after I eat (except after dinner snacks) so I won't KNOW what I am eating until after,. so I would have to look everything up first, calculate the grams of each macro THEN decide what to eat - it just seems really complicated compared to th CICO method I was using to lose the first 16 lbs.... I have my goals set to 1lb a week lost - so that I know if on some days (like yesterday) I go over a bit, it's ok - because I am OK with a 0.5lb loss a week also. But I am not really losing anything lately. I know the holidays were tougher - but I didn't go overboard on what I ate - should have been around maintenance - but I am not noticing any drops at all since then, unless it is right after my TOM is done. and then I seem to go up and down 1-2lbs until next TOM.... I just don't get it.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    tiggis2006 wrote: »
    If you follow the IIFMM plan you will lose fat, preserve muscle and feel great.

    IIFYM is not going to cause you to lose fat...calorie deficit will. IIFYM is just a toll to hit your macros and get your calorie goal in for the day....
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    OP - if you have been losing and gaining the same two pounds, that means that you are not maintaining a calorie deficit. If you switch to IIFYM and do not maintain a calorie deficit, then you are not going to lose weight.
    You may be better off tightening up your logging and eating habits, first.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited January 2015
    tracymayo1 wrote: »
    Yeah I think I worry about having to pre-log and plan everything to be sure I am getting the grams of each thing says I should. Like I should have 106.5g-carbs / 178g - protein / 80.g-fat a day 36-45g of fiber... I usually log after I eat (except after dinner snacks) so I won't KNOW what I am eating until after,. so I would have to look everything up first, calculate the grams of each macro THEN decide what to eat - it just seems really complicated compared to th CICO method I was using to lose the first 16 lbs....

    It's actually not so complicated once you get used to it.

    That protein amount seems high to me. As Jruzer said, it's about deciding what macros are best for you and then doing those. I don't think there's any need to do more than lean body mass in grams, which you can get a rough estimate of by taking 80% of your goal weight if you don't have a huge amount left to lose.

    But what I found helpful was to look at my logs from the past few days and see where I was coming in on macros and then adjust. I do log during the day, though, and prelogged for a while for practice.

    But for example, let's say you want 120 grams protein, 150 grams carbs, and 65 grams of fat, and you look back at the past few days and see that you were usually around 80 grams of protein, 200 grams of carbs, and 65 grams of fat. Then you would know you want to bump up your protein some and cut the carbs some. You would look at what foods were contributing what and decide, perhaps, to reduce your rice and pasta portions some while eating a slightly larger portion of meat or adding in some lowfat greek yogurt. When you log that and see how it worked out you adjust again.

    But also see how you feel, because you might find that you feel better going back to a somewhat higher carb goal after all. It's just a way to figure out what breakdown makes it easier for you to eat well and feel energetic and perform well in your athletic efforts.

    I think it can act largely as a motivator--to make it interesting again and help you focus in on logging and sticking to your goals consistently.