Fun exercise!

Hi all!

I'm looking for fun ways to exercise! I want to laugh while I burn calories!


  • SuggaD
    SuggaD Posts: 1,369 Member
    Anything you enjoy. For me, cycling with friends. Otherwise, anything while listening to music (music makes everything fun!).
  • lisele03
    lisele03 Posts: 133 Member
    SuggaD wrote: »
    ....Otherwise, anything while listening to music (music makes everything fun!).

    ^This.... and Dancing! Dance with a partner, dance alone, dance in the bathroom - pretty much anywhere, anytime and you can't help but smile - and trust me -you work up a sweat! Good luck!

  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    2 thoughts -

    First... what do you enjoy doing?

    Second... think about your goals and WHY they are your goals. Sometimes we have to do things simply because they need to be done, not because they are fun.
  • picnic2day
    picnic2day Posts: 63 Member
    got to be Zumba :D
  • Holla4mom
    Holla4mom Posts: 587 Member
    For me, the most fun is dancing for sure. I love Just Dance on the Wii (or other console), Zumba, or just dancing while watching TV:) I actually have started some bodyweight exercising that is "fun" to me because it's challenging and lots of new exercises I've never done, so sometimes anything novel can be engaging and fun.