1200 calories vs. eating more



  • FunSkittles
    FunSkittles Posts: 39 Member
    edited February 2015
    I'm 36, weighed in this morning at 142, and am 5'4". This is right where my body likes to settle and I like it to be a bit lower. 2.5 years ago I got myself down to 125 and really truly loved being that weight, but I was doing insanity, playing roller derby, running and really watching everything I ate to get there. The weight stayed off for some time, but that was due to stress (went through a separation), and once the injury happened I fell off track with working out and eventually (albeit slowly) the weight started creeping back on. I don't think getting back to 125 is sustainable at this point while still recovering from injury, but I would like to get down to 130-135. I have lost 5 lbs in the last 7 weeks which I feel is a decent pace of weight loss.