Runners...92%-95% Max for 55min?

is it even possible to maintain that heart rate intensity for that long without dying...from everything i've read, that intensity is for interval training and one should not be able to maintain it for more than 5-10 min max. for reference, i have a rhr of 35, run 50-80 miles of san fran hills a month, and if i get my heart rate up to 170 there is NO WAY i can go even close to that long...


  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    You have an incredibly low RHR. But no, I don't think anyone would be able to do that. You would be way anaerobic and your muscles would give out due to lactic acid buildup. The most you can sustain for a long period is lactate threshold or the exercise whereby you are burning only the energy that your body can metabolize using supplied oxygen.
  • billd935
    billd935 Posts: 11
    You have to remember that calculations for Max HR are estiamtes at best. My Max calculates at 166 (220-age). I ran a 10k trail race yesterday and averaged a 150hr with a max of 156, that would put me at just over 90% for 54 minutes. I didn't find the 150 to be excessive, in fact next race I will probably try to go for around a 155. I usually use a 160-163 HR (93-98%) for intervals or hill reps.
  • Quix82
    Quix82 Posts: 99 Member
    92%-95% for 55 minutes would be insane. I get my heart rate up that high everyday for maybe a total of 5 minutes. My max heart rate (according to the HRM) is 190. I feel at my best when I keep it in the 165 zone.
  • longtimeterp
    longtimeterp Posts: 614 Member
    wow, why have i never read this before either...great synopsis

    (oh i guess cause its only been on the net since march...)
  • vivaldirules
    vivaldirules Posts: 169 Member
    I have never understood maxHR. I'm 55 and all my workouts including one hour runs are 160-170. I don't do much interval training so I don't know how much I could push it safely. I did have a stress test last fall and had no issues to 180. I hesitate to say this because I don't want people to think this is okay for them. It may not be. But, as you say, maxHR is at most an average and probably more like a safe max that keeps most people safe. So it may be conservative. It sure is for me. I've been doing multi-hour workouts like this for over three years. This is not some exhibit of my ability either. It just is what it is. I run so I am struggling but can keep going and talk with difficulty.
  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    All these replies prove that the formula for MHR is crap and to effectively use the HR training methods you have to empirically test your MHR.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I have an issue with you effectively posting about me here, starting a topic... I mean, seriously, how petty can you get, and to message me, essentially calling me a liar, as if I have something to prove.

    I have several HRMs, my main one being the Polar /FT4, thoroughly checked, new battery, not an old machine.
    I did indeed run for 55 mins, averaging between 89-92% of my max for much of the time.
    The trainers at my gym know and have said I push myself to my absolute max.
    I struggled, my legs were giving out, I could hardly breathe, and I have emphysema. I have only 68% lung function. Imagine what that does to the heart rate when engaging in something like outdoor running, involving hills, having only run on a treadmill for months. I have pushed through hour long workouts on the elliptical at 86% of my max, because I do push myself hard, for better or for worse. I have crap lungs and want to do all I can to improve their function.

    I think it is despicable and really lowlife that you felt it necessary to message me and essentially call me a liar, over a bloody random internet post. Seriously? Is this all you have to worry about in life? How bloody sad. You know nothing of how my body works, or the issues I am working against when I workout (COPD), clearly.
    Hell, if you lived nearby, I would welcome you coming and checking for yourself my heart rate during a 50-55 minute run, no problem, because I am not a liar, and have nothing to prove. There is nothing to be proud of in a simple outdoor run sending your heartrate that high. It is just further evidence of my impaired lung function.,

    So yeah. Find someone else to bother. I got enough issues, thanks.
  • hazleyes81
    hazleyes81 Posts: 296 Member
    is it even possible to maintain that heart rate intensity for that long without dying...from everything i've read, that intensity is for interval training and one should not be able to maintain it for more than 5-10 min max. for reference, i have a rhr of 35, run 50-80 miles of san fran hills a month, and if i get my heart rate up to 170 there is NO WAY i can go even close to that long...

    That depends on how you're calculating your max heart rate. The 220 - age thing is a general formula and not accurate for many. Your actual max may be higher or lower. I know mine is higher than the calculation.
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    What's more likely, that the generic formula for max HR does not produce the right number for a specific individual or that the individual is running at 95% of his or her max HR for 55 minutes? I would suspect it's the former.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    My tested HRmax is 194.

    My tested Lactate Threshold is 177.

    That's 91% HRmax for LT, which I can sustain for over 30 min.

    And yes, 220-age (44) ain't correct if you maintained your fitness through the years - you can keep HRmax high.

    Took specific training to get LT level there.

    It is possible therefore.

    Now, I'll admit, I ain't running at that HR for that long, because my achilles would cramp up and joints would be pounded silly by then. Not worth it at all.

    But I can spin bike that high for that long for constant. Outdoor bike is too variable for that long.
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,651 Member
    is it even possible to maintain that heart rate intensity for that long without dying...from everything i've read, that intensity is for interval training and one should not be able to maintain it for more than 5-10 min max. for reference, i have a rhr of 35, run 50-80 miles of san fran hills a month, and if i get my heart rate up to 170 there is NO WAY i can go even close to that long...

    When I run 5k races, I have my heartrate at maximum (170bpm) for the whole distance - 25-26 minutes worth.

    Last year I ran a 10k race, it took 56 minutes for me to run it, my average HR during that time was 169bpm, with 174 being the highest it went somewhere during the race.

    My resting HR is nowhere near as excellent as yours though, mine is 65.
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,651 Member
    I have an issue with you effectively posting about me here, starting a topic... I mean, seriously, how petty can you get, and to message me, essentially calling me a liar, as if I have something to prove.

    I have several HRMs, my main one being the Polar /FT4, thoroughly checked, new battery, not an old machine.
    I did indeed run for 55 mins, averaging between 89-92% of my max for much of the time.
    The trainers at my gym know and have said I push myself to my absolute max.
    I struggled, my legs were giving out, I could hardly breathe, and I have emphysema. I have only 68% lung function. Imagine what that does to the heart rate when engaging in something like outdoor running, involving hills, having only run on a treadmill for months. I have pushed through hour long workouts on the elliptical at 86% of my max, because I do push myself hard, for better or for worse. I have crap lungs and want to do all I can to improve their function.

    I think it is despicable and really lowlife that you felt it necessary to message me and essentially call me a liar, over a bloody random internet post. Seriously? Is this all you have to worry about in life? How bloody sad. You know nothing of how my body works, or the issues I am working against when I workout (COPD), clearly.
    Hell, if you lived nearby, I would welcome you coming and checking for yourself my heart rate during a 50-55 minute run, no problem, because I am not a liar, and have nothing to prove. There is nothing to be proud of in a simple outdoor run sending your heartrate that high. It is just further evidence of my impaired lung function.,

    So yeah. Find someone else to bother. I got enough issues, thanks.

    FWIW I believe you, because I do the same as per my reply just now.

    I have always had a high HR when exercising though, shame really because I would be a hell of a better runner if it would stay lower.
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    Whatever your MHR (and I agree the formulas can be craptastic), doing 92-95% of it for 55 min would be crazysauce.

    my RHR is high 40s, I max out around 180 on intense hills, usually in the 150s for long runs. if I had to sustain around 170 for an hour...

    ...welll I just wouldn't make it
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Whatever your MHR (and I agree the formulas can be craptastic), doing 92-95% of it for 55 min would be crazysauce.

    my RHR is high 40s, I max out around 180 on intense hills, usually in the 150s for long runs. if I had to sustain around 170 for an hour...

    ...welll I just wouldn't make it

    I do not usually run outside for more than about 35 minutes, I just happened to take a slightly different route, and it does involve some uneven terrain and hills. I am also probably accustomed by now to working out with fairly high heart rates because even when I do not feel breathless and can still talk fine, my HR can be at 85% for a long period. I do not start to get breathless until it hits around 90%. It took me very little time to recover from the run, I was happily sat on here typing within a few minutes, having already taken my trainers off and got a glass of water. It only hit 95% a few times on long hills, remained between 89 and 92% most of the rest of the run, other than the first 5 or so minutes.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I have an issue with you effectively posting about me here, starting a topic... I mean, seriously, how petty can you get, and to message me, essentially calling me a liar, as if I have something to prove.

    I have several HRMs, my main one being the Polar /FT4, thoroughly checked, new battery, not an old machine.
    I did indeed run for 55 mins, averaging between 89-92% of my max for much of the time.
    The trainers at my gym know and have said I push myself to my absolute max.
    I struggled, my legs were giving out, I could hardly breathe, and I have emphysema. I have only 68% lung function. Imagine what that does to the heart rate when engaging in something like outdoor running, involving hills, having only run on a treadmill for months. I have pushed through hour long workouts on the elliptical at 86% of my max, because I do push myself hard, for better or for worse. I have crap lungs and want to do all I can to improve their function.

    I think it is despicable and really lowlife that you felt it necessary to message me and essentially call me a liar, over a bloody random internet post. Seriously? Is this all you have to worry about in life? How bloody sad. You know nothing of how my body works, or the issues I am working against when I workout (COPD), clearly.
    Hell, if you lived nearby, I would welcome you coming and checking for yourself my heart rate during a 50-55 minute run, no problem, because I am not a liar, and have nothing to prove. There is nothing to be proud of in a simple outdoor run sending your heartrate that high. It is just further evidence of my impaired lung function.,

    So yeah. Find someone else to bother. I got enough issues, thanks.

    FWIW I believe you, because I do the same as per my reply just now.

    I have always had a high HR when exercising though, shame really because I would be a hell of a better runner if it would stay lower.

    Yes, I find It frustrating too, but in my case, it is my lungs letting me down. Out of all exercise I do, running outside seems to put the most strain on my breathing. This means I will never be able to run long distances.
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    I have an issue with you effectively posting about me here, starting a topic... I mean, seriously, how petty can you get, and to message me, essentially calling me a liar, as if I have something to prove.

    I have several HRMs, my main one being the Polar /FT4, thoroughly checked, new battery, not an old machine.
    I did indeed run for 55 mins, averaging between 89-92% of my max for much of the time.
    The trainers at my gym know and have said I push myself to my absolute max.
    I struggled, my legs were giving out, I could hardly breathe, and I have emphysema. I have only 68% lung function. Imagine what that does to the heart rate when engaging in something like outdoor running, involving hills, having only run on a treadmill for months. I have pushed through hour long workouts on the elliptical at 86% of my max, because I do push myself hard, for better or for worse. I have crap lungs and want to do all I can to improve their function.

    I think it is despicable and really lowlife that you felt it necessary to message me and essentially call me a liar, over a bloody random internet post. Seriously? Is this all you have to worry about in life? How bloody sad. You know nothing of how my body works, or the issues I am working against when I workout (COPD), clearly.
    Hell, if you lived nearby, I would welcome you coming and checking for yourself my heart rate during a 50-55 minute run, no problem, because I am not a liar, and have nothing to prove. There is nothing to be proud of in a simple outdoor run sending your heartrate that high. It is just further evidence of my impaired lung function.,

    So yeah. Find someone else to bother. I got enough issues, thanks.

    The internet is serious business. gif
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I have an issue with you effectively posting about me here, starting a topic... I mean, seriously, how petty can you get, and to message me, essentially calling me a liar, as if I have something to prove.

    I have several HRMs, my main one being the Polar /FT4, thoroughly checked, new battery, not an old machine.
    I did indeed run for 55 mins, averaging between 89-92% of my max for much of the time.
    The trainers at my gym know and have said I push myself to my absolute max.
    I struggled, my legs were giving out, I could hardly breathe, and I have emphysema. I have only 68% lung function. Imagine what that does to the heart rate when engaging in something like outdoor running, involving hills, having only run on a treadmill for months. I have pushed through hour long workouts on the elliptical at 86% of my max, because I do push myself hard, for better or for worse. I have crap lungs and want to do all I can to improve their function.

    I think it is despicable and really lowlife that you felt it necessary to message me and essentially call me a liar, over a bloody random internet post. Seriously? Is this all you have to worry about in life? How bloody sad. You know nothing of how my body works, or the issues I am working against when I workout (COPD), clearly.
    Hell, if you lived nearby, I would welcome you coming and checking for yourself my heart rate during a 50-55 minute run, no problem, because I am not a liar, and have nothing to prove. There is nothing to be proud of in a simple outdoor run sending your heartrate that high. It is just further evidence of my impaired lung function.,

    So yeah. Find someone else to bother. I got enough issues, thanks.

    The internet is serious business. gif

    It must be for you if you have time yourself to waste on posting a pointless gif rather than contributing something remotely useful.
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    I have an issue with you effectively posting about me here, starting a topic... I mean, seriously, how petty can you get, and to message me, essentially calling me a liar, as if I have something to prove.

    I have several HRMs, my main one being the Polar /FT4, thoroughly checked, new battery, not an old machine.
    I did indeed run for 55 mins, averaging between 89-92% of my max for much of the time.
    The trainers at my gym know and have said I push myself to my absolute max.
    I struggled, my legs were giving out, I could hardly breathe, and I have emphysema. I have only 68% lung function. Imagine what that does to the heart rate when engaging in something like outdoor running, involving hills, having only run on a treadmill for months. I have pushed through hour long workouts on the elliptical at 86% of my max, because I do push myself hard, for better or for worse. I have crap lungs and want to do all I can to improve their function.

    I think it is despicable and really lowlife that you felt it necessary to message me and essentially call me a liar, over a bloody random internet post. Seriously? Is this all you have to worry about in life? How bloody sad. You know nothing of how my body works, or the issues I am working against when I workout (COPD), clearly.
    Hell, if you lived nearby, I would welcome you coming and checking for yourself my heart rate during a 50-55 minute run, no problem, because I am not a liar, and have nothing to prove. There is nothing to be proud of in a simple outdoor run sending your heartrate that high. It is just further evidence of my impaired lung function.,

    So yeah. Find someone else to bother. I got enough issues, thanks.

    The internet is serious business. gif

    It must be for you if you have time yourself to waste on posting a pointless gif.

  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    Whatever your MHR (and I agree the formulas can be craptastic), doing 92-95% of it for 55 min would be crazysauce.

    my RHR is high 40s, I max out around 180 on intense hills, usually in the 150s for long runs. if I had to sustain around 170 for an hour...

    ...welll I just wouldn't make it

    I do not usually run outside for more than about 35 minutes, I just happened to take a slightly different route, and it does involve some uneven terrain and hills. I am also probably accustomed by now to working out with fairly high heart rates because even when I do not feel breathless and can still talk fine, my HR can be at 85% for a long period. I do not start to get breathless until it hits around 90%. It took me very little time to recover from the run, I was happily sat on here typing within a few minutes, having already taken my trainers off and got a glass of water. It only hit 95% a few times on long hills, remained between 89 and 92% most of the rest of the run, other than the first 5 or so minutes.

    I don't want to sound like you're not putting in a hard workout, but if you're not getting breathless until 90%, its probably not really your 90%
    90% is edging up to an all-out sprint
  • Aviendha_RJ
    Aviendha_RJ Posts: 600 Member

    I have a heart murmur... so my heart beats 3 times instead of two times.

    My HRM says that my heartrate (sustained) for my entire hour-long run is 210... which, if you drop that extra 1/3... equates to 140bpm.

    YES... trainers have checked my heart monitor and FLIPPED OUT previously... but it's just me... it's how I'm built... I'm NOT dizzy, nauseated, suffering muscle cramps, stomach cramps, light-headed-ness, or any other side effect issues.

    Because technically... my heart is at 140bpm.

    My advice to you? Get a stress-test. Because if you actually HAVE a heart condition (like me) the Doctor is going to tell you what you need to do, and how you need to adjust your thinking. (Like my math: "subtract a 1/3, & that's your real heart rate"). Heart rate monitors are really sensitive, & don't take into account such things as irregular heart beats. Maybe you have one---like me---and just don't know it? How do you FEEL when your HRM says your heart rate is that high? Cuz personally... I feel JUST fine when mine reads 210 for 60 minutes!

    And for the record, before I get any hate-filled troll-style posts... my Doctor says I'm in great shape for someone with my condition, and LOVES that I'm active, taking care of myself, and keeping my weight down. Because being overweight with a heart condition is WAY more dangerous that MONITORED exercise with a heart condition!