Cheat meal 1/week ?



  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    Whatever you want to call it, we usually eat out once every one to two weeks. Some of those days I keep everything check, make sure I eat something on the healthier side and log it. I do try to save calories throughout the week if I know the meal is coming.

    Other times, I just go ahead and eat whatever I want. I am not on a diet. I am trying to lose weight and I have goals but sometimes, something sounds good and I am not going to never have a high caloric meal or a yummy dessert sometimes. I know now it will only be a sometimes thing and if I am doing everything I need to the rest of the week, I am still going to see a loss. Just do not let is snowball into more than one meal.
  • hannahrahntana
    hannahrahntana Posts: 11 Member
    edited January 2015
    Thanks for the input everyone, lots of great advice out there. Boy aren't semantics important ha!
  • GirlPowerFitness
    GirlPowerFitness Posts: 2 Member
    I prefer cooking my meals rather than eating out. I have a Weight Watcher tool to divide the portions on my plate. I'm going to try the Blood Type diet for a variation to what I usually eat. I think a cheat day will undermine all my hard work. I won't concern myself with the impulse to snack on junk food. Furthermore, I'll drink lots of water to aid weight loss.
  • Seraphina_Rowan
    Seraphina_Rowan Posts: 179 Member
    ''Cheat meals/days'' or whatever don't exist. That's almost as bad as demonizing food. Eat what you want but fit it into your day properly. Don;t have ''one day'' for something that you find ''unhealthy'' calories are calories. On top of that make sure you don't restrict yourself from different foods because it'll never work you're just depriving yourself of something you don't actually have to. Make this change for the rest of your life instead of just a temporary thing because in all honestly restricting will only become temporary.
  • avskk
    avskk Posts: 1,789 Member
    If your "cheat" meal or day puts you over your calorie goal, it's going to either undo some of the work you've done or actually make you gain weight (depending on whether it just eats into your deficit or actually puts you over for the week). What you have to decide is whether that's worth it. Is it worth it to have a weekly blowout that's going to slow you down or even stop you? Or would you rather maintain your deficit and either work harder during the week to earn that meal or just make it fit into your daily goal?

    You could do lots of things: save up your exercise calories over the week for a big meal on Friday, cut your daily calorie allowance by 100-200 to bank calories for a big Saturday splurge, simply choose to only eat your cheat meal and nothing else on the day you have it... but ultimately, it's all about that calorie deficit. There's no magic about the act of dieting alone that makes you lose weight; it's just math. One "cheat" can undo all the work of the week if you don't plan for it, but the flipside of that is that if you plan it right you can have that big meal and be just fine. Just don't kid yourself that it's okay not to count those calories.