!!!Help & Motivation!!!!

so I have tried all those diets that people always say work, but found myself putting the weight back on with all of them. Knowing I need to train myself how to eat in moderation, I have a hard time picking healthier foods or meals due to "eyes are larger than stomach" and my house has everyone who if eating all carb and fatty food. HELP NEEDED what should I do or any advice for me.


  • hdrenollet
    hdrenollet Posts: 147 Member
    You need to do what's right for you. If you're an eater, then eat, but eat healthier and more filling foods. No diet is going to work if you feel hungry all the time, and you eventually get tired of feeling hungry and go back to eating what you want. I've gone through this many, many times. This time around I'm doing it different, I'm still eating the quantity that my body wants but I'm choosing better quality. I add in a lot more vegetables to every meal, which is really hard for me, but I'm getting used to it. I would worry less about trying to train yourself to eat in moderation. It all comes down to calories in vs. calories out. You can eat a whole salad loaded up with fresh vegetables for less calories that you get in a handful of potato chips. You get full, your body gets the quantity that it wants, but it doesn't add many calories which is ideal. Also, make sure you are burning calories every day. I've started walking every day on my lunch break along with an intense exercise every night, which burns off a ton of excess calories. I've managed to lose 10 lbs in almost 4 weeks this way, and you can do it too!
  • emab01
    emab01 Posts: 1
    hey so if you're something then I'm doing that works really well for me. Am I dun 30 work for you but it also work for my fiance now maybe something you wanna look into. All I do is take so much you weigh now multiply that by 10, then to buy that by 2hey so if you're something then I'm doing that works really well for me. Am I dun 30 work for you but it also work for my fiance now maybe something you wanna look into.

    so the way I go about doing it and my fiance, is that we stick to a specific eating schedule. We break down our entire calorie content for the day into three meals and three snacks. for example my daily calorie intake to lose 2 pounds a week is 1400. I eat every 2.5 hours.

    8 am Breakfast 350 calories
    10:30 am Snack 115 calories
    1 pm lunch 350 calories
    3:30 pm Snack 115 calories
    6 pm Dinner 350 calories
    8:30 snack 115 calories

    you want to keep your meals at around 300 calories to 350 calorie. And your snacks around 115.

    the food I've been eating are all pretty much fresh I eat a lot of fresh spinach a lot of lettuce a lot of tomato just a lot of fresh vegetables but I make sure that with every single one of my meals not snacks I have 2 ounces of meat any kind of chicken or seafood but I stay away from anything else. Two punches is about the palm of your hand. I just picked up a great scale at Walmart for literally 5 bucks it helped me out tremendously because I realized I wasn't eating enough meat.

    again this is what worked for me. my calorie intake is very small because at work I'm sitting all day long so I can't afford to eat a lot. however with eating all the fresh vegetables I'm always full and I have to literally force myself to eat my meals to the end because if you think about it 2 cups of spinach is only 20 calories you can literally have like four cups of spinach you can have two ounces of chicken and some other vegetables and it'll be a huge plate of salad that'll keep you nice and full for about 300 calories.

    You can absolutely do this I know it gets difficult and I know you get cravings but you have to remember that every now and then during the week you you can have a quarter of a donut, or half a donut don't deprive yourself of the things you love because that's how you fail trust me I'm going through it too.

  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Don't think of this as a "diet", think of it as a lifestyle change. Counting calories for awhile gets you use to moderation. You get to pick all the foods, as personally, I've given up nothing.
    Go get this!