Being a diabetic type II that has had gastric bypass

Has anyone heard of being able to account for being a diabetic and a person who has had full gastric bypass. I can't seem to find anywhere to put this information and the numbers are too high for me to achieve. HELP!


  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I am a diabetic type II who had gastric bypass this past summer. I am now in full remission from diabetes. What numbers are you talking about?
  • cindyforce67
    cindyforce67 Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you for responding Ignatca ... Just was wondering if they had an area to log my blood sugar. That way they're all together. I hope your gastric bypass is doing well for you. My concern was the I can't eat all the food they want me too eat. So was wondering if they had an adjustment for people who have had the bypass done. How long have you been doing my fitness pal? Since starting this plan how much weight are you down? If you don't mind. You don't have to answer those questions.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    edited January 2015
    I use Bant to record my blood sugars. I customized the meals on MFP to have an AM snack, Afternoon, and Evening snack. I had trouble as most patients do the first six weeks eating enough. I had surgery in June last year. I am able to eat everything I need now. Like many patients my diabetes went in to remission shortly after surgery. So keep careful watch that your sugars don't go too low. I would eat calorie dense foods in the evening if I was having trouble. That may include nuts, Premier Protein, or a cup of juice. I am 89 pounds down and I have been on MFP almost 18 months. 1200 calories was my absolute lowest target always.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Milk or cheese is good too. A piece of old cheese in the evening is supposed to be good for your teeth too.
  • JayEatsandSweats
    JayEatsandSweats Posts: 5 Member
    If you go to the main MFP site you can add Progress fields (?) to track your blood sugars, etc. These new fields can then be used on your mobile.
  • cindyforce67
    cindyforce67 Posts: 4 Member
    Ignatca ... you're a wonderful inspiration too anyone. I've just started two days ago so hopefully I'll be down as well here soon. I had to go in and have a long 6 hour Ivig infusion done and it always creeps that sugar way up there. I haven't taken insulin (I forgot) so I think that may have played into the 348 number when I got home! lol But I enjoy talking too you. I know you're doing a fantastic job losing, so here's too friends, weight loss, and health! Again .. thank you.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    AAK! I had to convert your 348 to the Canadian mmol/l (19). I also had to look up IVIG. Goodness gracious, can't they include some insulin with the infusion, monitor your sugar throughout? And honey, I don't have to tell you, stick to your routines. It sounds like you may be one that has to continue with the insulin routine after surgery.
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    You could also enter the blood sugar into the notes for each day, either food or exercise.
    It won't show up on a nice graph like weight or measurements though.

    And you can try to manually set your calorie level, though I think it won't let you put it below a healthy 1200 cal/day for women. You might just have to live with MFP chastising you every day for not eating enough if you don't.

    I'm sure there are some groups which discuss life after surgery.

    (Done all natural, with the E.L.M.M. diet: eat less, move more.
    My body is still whole, I'm able to eat what I want.)
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    MFP was much kinder when I set a target of 1300 calories. That way if I was a little under I didn't get the dreaded message. I'm up to 1650 calories and continue to lose steadily.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    MKEgal wrote: »
    My body is still whole, I'm able to eat what I want.

    Me, too! The re-plumbing did not remove my stomach, just moved it to the side, LOL. I also eat what I want, just in smaller quantities. I have been very lucky that way.

  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    To add another line to what you're tracking in reports, go to "my home",
    then "check in",
    then at the bottom "track additional measurements",
    type in the description / label,
    click the green button "add measurement".
  • cindyforce67
    cindyforce67 Posts: 4 Member
    You all have been so nice giving me the information and the inspiration! I thank all of you for your kindness and support! I'm sure I'll be calling on all of you daily! lol
  • hollym73e
    hollym73e Posts: 5 Member
    Hi there! I'm new to MFP and I'm glad I found this discussion. I had gastric bypass 12/11/2013 and also am Type II Diabetic, and also in remission since surgery. My problem now is that my sugar keeps crashing. I talked with my Endo about it and he told me, basically, that I'd figure it out. My insurance company doesn't allow visits with a nutritionist after 1 year post op so I'm kind of on my own. Any help from anyone would be great and hopefully I can provide some help to others as well. :smile:
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Sounds like, holly, no missed snacks for you! Eat like a diabetic; eat like a hypoglycemic. My hypoglycemic co-worker kept a stash of peanuts and M&M's on his desk and I would visit him if I was low.