New at this!

I'm an 18 year old student female who was once 18 stone and now is 15 stone 6 lbs. I've been working out and calorie counting for 4 months now and I have a few questions.

I'm wondering what I do once I have platued? I haven't yet as far as I know but I know it's coming, and I want to be prepared :)

Thank you!


  • ScalySquash50
    So long as your running a calorie deficit (eat less calories then your burning doing your regular movement + exercise) than you will continue to lose weight, even once you plateau. Also by increasing you exercise will increase how quickly you burn fat and can help you keep up the pace.

    Congrats on the weight loss so far! That's Awesome!
  • Camo_xxx
    Camo_xxx Posts: 1,082 Member
    You double your efforts at accurately logging. Double check all the items in your food data base for accuracy, you recommit yourself to weighing accurately, you verify that your calorie burns are accurate and not just MFP over estimates and then you stick to your calorie deficit plan until you get the whoosh. It takes supreme confidence that you are doing everything as correctly as possible to go weeks without the scale moving but if you have confidence you know it will happen. Then when it does you can do some simple math and check your total calorie deficit against the weight lost in the whoosh to verify how accurate you have been logging. Find any errors and eliminate them in prep for the next stall.