I need help!

Hi All,

So I really need help and motivation. I need 5 pounds by June. I feel like I eat for no reason. I cook for my family and eat. I don't eat a lot of junk food but its hard to eat healthy when I have to cook for the family. I feel that if my mind is busy and I'm on the phone with a friend or something I can control myself a lot more. I'm tired of the excuses I make up.


  • cmaldon79
    cmaldon79 Posts: 6 Member
    That's 45 pounds by June****
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    First, 45lbs in 16 weeks is pretty aggressive. Make sure you have healthy and realistic goals.

    Second - you've identified a key problem/weakness... boredom. Work on keeping yourself busy. Yous say you cook for the family, if that involves kids, you should have plenty of things to do other than eat.
  • ZBuffBod
    ZBuffBod Posts: 297 Member
    Good luck with your weight loss journey. 45 pounds by June means about 9 pounds per month over the next 5 months. That is not an advisable rate, but go for it. Check out the "so you are new here" posts. Hopefully, you'll find some guidance there.

    I joined last June and lost 39 pounds so far. I also cook for my family, but I plan ahead. I weigh out my food so I know about how many servings each dish contains before it is cooked, which helps when I serve others.

    Train your family to eat the things you eat, which should be healthy for everyone. Don't deprive yourself...baby steps. As an example, if you are used to eating a bowl of ice cream each time, maybe eat a cup, then half cup...from two cans of sodas per day to one...etc.

    Again, good luck.
  • shaunsmoot
    shaunsmoot Posts: 37 Member
    Why don't you make healthy meals for all to eat? You shouldn't have to make separate meals all the time. Your family would also benefit from the nutrition that you're taking in. Just remember it's calories in = calories out. Just make sure to log everything you put in your mouth & you'll see results.
    Make sure you stay within your allotment that MFP has suggested. You're definitely going to lose 5 lbs by June if you focus on nutrition.
  • shaunsmoot
    shaunsmoot Posts: 37 Member
    Why don't you make healthy meals for all to eat? You shouldn't have to make separate meals all the time. Your family would also benefit from the nutrition that you're taking in. Just remember it's calories in = calories out. Just make sure to log everything you put in your mouth & you'll see results.
    Make sure you stay within your allotment that MFP has suggested. You're definitely going to lose 5 lbs by June if you focus on nutrition.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    You can cook for your family and eat what they eat. Just eat less of it. That is what I do for my family and then for myself :)
  • cmaldon79
    cmaldon79 Posts: 6 Member
    J acksonpt , I don't sit and eat its more like queen says instead of cooking 2 meals I eat what I cook for the family. Well 45 I'd my total loss goal mayb 25 is more realistic.
  • cmaldon79
    cmaldon79 Posts: 6 Member
    Zbuffbod, thank you so much for the tips.Shaunsmoot , the issue is always the side dishes I don't fry food but the pasta, rice, or potatoes os the killer.I dont eat veggies although I make them for the family. Can anyone give me a good way to reintroduce them. I lile salads just l&t but dont like any dressing which makes it boring after 2 days. I'm willing to do wwhatever it takes.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    roasting veggies in a little olive oil is very good. I love Brussels sprouts like this.
  • cmaldon79
    cmaldon79 Posts: 6 Member
    I will definitely try that. Do u think I can make this in the morning and take to work? I know sometimes things ate not the same wben reheated.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    I guess I'm kind of weird but I eat food cold all the time. But if you reheated veggies it still would be good, maybe not as crunchy, but still good.
  • jnv7594
    jnv7594 Posts: 983 Member
    edited January 2015
    cmaldon79 wrote: »
    J acksonpt , I don't sit and eat its more like queen says instead of cooking 2 meals I eat what I cook for the family. Well 45 I'd my total loss goal mayb 25 is more realistic.

    There's nothing wrong with eating what you cook for the family. You shouldn't have to make two meals. Portion it out and have a serving. Fit it into your calories. You don't need special food to lose weight. On the other hand, it wouldn't hurt anyone in your family to include some vegetables with the meal for everyone to eat if you don't already. This can help fill you up more.

  • triciab79
    triciab79 Posts: 1,713 Member
    I have several boys of a variety of ages and I will admit that eating healthy with kids is harder than it looks but it is doable. You have to eat with them so find ways to cut the calories and cut back your proportions. Like if I am making spaghetti and meat sauce for the gang I will use the leanest beef or pork I can get and if I am using jarred sauce (cheating) I will read the labels to find the one that best fits my diet, then I add more veggies like mushrooms onions carrots eggplant or squash and finally I will serve theirs on pasta but mine and my hubby's are served over roasted spaghetti squash or zucchini ribbons. I switched out the garlic bread for the crunchy little bread sticks and bought stronger parm so that everyone can use less of it and still get the taste. Everything can be adjusted to fit the diet if you just give it a bit of thought. I really really want to be sure I can eat along with them so I cut other parts of my day too if I need to. 45lbs is aggressive. I won't say it can't be done because I did it in that amount of time but it will be hard and you will have to stop thinking about what you are giving up. If you really want that 45lbs by that date you need to cancel every single social occasion that requires eating between now and then.
  • 45lbs by June.. I'm in the same boat. I'm reaching for 50 by June 11. With that said, I'm following calorie recommendations for losing 2lbs per week through MFP and keeping it an extra 100-200calories below as well. Additionally, 45mins of cardio every day, and weights 4 times a week (so... 4 double days). I have one "rest" day, but I'm still moving, just super low intensity, more like a long stretch day. I swim for cardio so my "rest" day is more just like leisure swimming. So.. that's a lot of exercise and a lot of eating to replenish. SO I don't really feel like I'm on a diet because I keep eating.. LOL.

    So my advice is that if controlling eating is hard for you, workout more.. to be able to eat more calories. And if some days you feel extra good about your workout, cutting back on some calories even though you worked it off, could give you a bump ahead on the calorie deficit.
  • benboyd85
    benboyd85 Posts: 60 Member
    I think that planning your meals ahead for the week would help. When you plan in advance you can find recipes with healthy options and measured portions, and add more variety so that you don't get bored. Also, eating something small every few hours throughout the day will help with your metabolism, and make it so you don't want to overeat at dinner.
  • SamTJones
    SamTJones Posts: 17 Member
    cmaldon79 wrote: »
    Hi All,

    So I really need help and motivation. I need 5 pounds by June. I feel like I eat for no reason. I cook for my family and eat. I don't eat a lot of junk food but its hard to eat healthy when I have to cook for the family. I feel that if my mind is busy and I'm on the phone with a friend or something I can control myself a lot more. I'm tired of the excuses I make up.

    Why don't you just make your family more vegetable based meals? Instead, when it comes to meats, just bake them in an oven using a little olive oil. Just eat smaller portions for yourself. I've been there, and it can be rough, but it's doable.
  • rileyes
    rileyes Posts: 1,406 Member
    edited February 2015
    Keeping my mind busy is key. I delve into my design passion. Doing something you love is key. Also getting inspired by reading the blogs and community posts can be helpful.

    If you like pasta... Spaghetti squash! Or put a zucchini through a spiraler like Paderno (about $35). The calories are going to be in the Parmesan and sauces. You can stir in some eggs with your squash before cooking (for protein.)

    I like the nutrition of 4-egg Omelets filled and pouring out with broccoli, spinach, bell peppers...

    With that said, you still have to fuel your muscles that will help burn fat so don't starve yourself (your muscle) to impress the scale.
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    First, you have a goal, but do you have a commitment?

    Once you have a commitment, you’ll find it easier to make the right choices. You’re cooking for your family, cook healthy food. Understand portion control, log your intake so you can hold yourself accountable, and move more. If you’re walking outside when you’re on the phone with friends, you’re not going to be in the kitchen snacking.