how do i get a nice flat stomach without flab?



  • joshnewton1976
    joshnewton1976 Posts: 14 Member
    @dbmata and @Capt_Apollo‌, i know obviously eating unhealthy will not get you nowhere with a flat stomach but i was just looking for tips. About 3 years ago i went from 160 to 118 but ended up with a little flab and no matter what i did it did not go away. So now that im at my heaviest i need a guide to not just lose weight but flatten and tone the stomach. I really appreciate everyones advice and suggestions :)

    This is a tell tale sign that you need to make a lifestyle change. The only thing more dangerous for your body than being overweight is fluctuating weight like that. It is similar to bulimia. It can destroy your body.

    Start with small changes. Make one day a vegetarian only day. Cut out sodas/ snacks for the week and have ONE on Saturday night. Don't try to lose 70 lbs in three months. Not going to happen or be healthy. This is a lifestyle plan, and it will be AT LEAST a year before you should get back down to

    As far as you still having flab at that weight- there are several things. One, some things are genetic. You may not have the genetic ability to get "abs," although you should be able to attain flatness. Start incorporating strength training, cardio, and especially core workouts now. Don't wait until you're 125 and expect everything to tighten up in your last two months of weight loss. By building strength and a good core as you are losing weight, it will help you lose the weight more properly, and help you attain that final goal. GOOD LUCK!!

  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    @dbmata and @Capt_Apollo‌, i know obviously eating unhealthy will not get you nowhere with a flat stomach but i was just looking for tips. About 3 years ago i went from 160 to 118 but ended up with a little flab and no matter what i did it did not go away. So now that im at my heaviest i need a guide to not just lose weight but flatten and tone the stomach. I really appreciate everyones advice and suggestions :)

    This is a tell tale sign that you need to make a lifestyle change. The only thing more dangerous for your body than being overweight is fluctuating weight like that. It is similar to bulimia. It can destroy your body.

    Start with small changes. Make one day a vegetarian only day. Cut out sodas/ snacks for the week and have ONE on Saturday night. Don't try to lose 70 lbs in three months. Not going to happen or be healthy. This is a lifestyle plan, and it will be AT LEAST a year before you should get back down to

    As far as you still having flab at that weight- there are several things. One, some things are genetic. You may not have the genetic ability to get "abs," although you should be able to attain flatness. Start incorporating strength training, cardio, and especially core workouts now. Don't wait until you're 125 and expect everything to tighten up in your last two months of weight loss. By building strength and a good core as you are losing weight, it will help you lose the weight more properly, and help you attain that final goal. GOOD LUCK!!

    There's no reason to have a vegetarian day or to cut anything completely out. Snacks can be helpful and diet sodas don't have a negative impact on fat loss. The best changes for her or anyone would be to adjust the way she is used to eating to fit her calories and macros, not make crazy changes like cutting meat out one day a week.

    You're right that she can't lose 70 pounds in a month. She does need a well rounded lifting routine and some cardio, but a strong core is built through heavy compound lifts (most "core workouts" actually focus on the abs, which is a small part of the core).
  • itsclobberintime
    itsclobberintime Posts: 164 Member
    Unfortunately you cannot spot reduce. Your body has certain areas where you lose weight quickly, and some where it goes much more slowly. You will need to continue losing fat mass in order to have visible abs.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    @dbmata and @Capt_Apollo‌, i know obviously eating unhealthy will not get you nowhere with a flat stomach but i was just looking for tips. About 3 years ago i went from 160 to 118 but ended up with a little flab and no matter what i did it did not go away. So now that im at my heaviest i need a guide to not just lose weight but flatten and tone the stomach. I really appreciate everyones advice and suggestions :)

    How did you reach your heaviest point which you are at now? You overate.

    What you need to do is lose that weight. Exposed abs is a function of a couple things, primary, and most important for you to deal with now and for the foreseeable future is that you are carrying too much body fat. Fix that, then deal with the minutia of maximizing what you have there.

    So the single most important piece of advice, and will probably get you 80% there or more, is to lose the fat.
  • sunnysparkles16
    sunnysparkles16 Posts: 17 Member
    edited January 2015
    I've been a vegetarian and consuming less sweets since Jan 1 and I've noticed a difference in my stomach area -- my major trouble spot. My workout has remained the same. Not saying vegetarian is the only way to go but a change in diet makes a difference. Good luck! You can do it! :)