Going vegan



  • tonyrocks922
    tonyrocks922 Posts: 172 Member
    Laurend224 wrote: »
    I can't quite remember what cheese tastes like. ;)

    This makes me really, really sad.
  • Laurend224
    Laurend224 Posts: 1,748 Member
    Laurend224 wrote: »
    I can't quite remember what cheese tastes like. ;)

    This makes me really, really sad.

    I'm sorry? I had issues with dairy long before I became vegan. No need to be sad.
  • LaineyVAhimsa
    LaineyVAhimsa Posts: 28 Member
    I'm vegan, been vegan for bout 6 and a half months, initially I lost weight, then I started not eating so healthy ( you can be a fat vegan ) lol. I love being vegan, but you need to do some research and understand a little about nutrition to do it healthily. B12 is a big issue, well non vegans make it bigger than need be but nvm. Nutritional yeast with added b12 is good and yeast extract. Also most dairy milk alternatives have b12 added to them. If you want to lose weight by going vegan then I strongly suggest eating whole foods and limit processed stuff. Lots of fruits, veggies, whole grains and pulses. Don't go mad on nuts but do have some :) good luck, I hope you enjoy being vegan and become more deeply involved. Veganism is about a lot more than diet
  • lngbrd
    lngbrd Posts: 279 Member
    I'm supposed to be working towards a more vegan diet ( my Dr. told me to shoot for 90%). I've started and gave up a handful of times. I do like some tofu but haven't tried to prepare it myself yet.
  • LaarainNYC
    LaarainNYC Posts: 90 Member
    Legumes are great for protein. If you get used to cooking them yourself you'll save a small fortune. Ditto recommendation of Joel Fuhrman. I also like Christina Pirello's cookbooks; My Crazy Vegan Life is my favorite.

    Btw, Pirello warns against relying on nutritional yeast for B12; she developed a dangerous deficiency. If you're a strict vegan you really need a B12 supplement.
  • Aemely
    Aemely Posts: 694 Member
    edited January 2015
    Not a vegan, but I do like a good veggie burger. I can't find these locally, but I love these Bahama Rice burgers in the jerk flavor! I just thought I would share. :yum:

