Benefits of lots of water?



  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    You have to drink lots and lots and LOTS of water in a short period of time (as in liters and liters and liters of it!) for it to be a danger.
  • martyqueen52
    martyqueen52 Posts: 1,120 Member
    edited January 2015
    phil6707 wrote: »
    Not really. I drink when I'm genuinely thirsty. I don't believe in the whole "DRINK 999 GALLONS A DAY" thing.

    It does however flush out sodium, which is good. And also helps eliminate excess water weight you might be holding. But, like you said, it makes me feel heavy as hell when I TRY to hit 8+ cups a day.

    When you are thirsty, you already are in water deficit and your body is letting you know about it. You should not wait to be thirsty to drink

    I'm pretty sure I know my own better body better than what you assume.

  • avskk
    avskk Posts: 1,789 Member
    edited January 2015
    I feel more energetic and less bloated/lethargic when I make sure to drink plenty of water. I also find it easier to identify my true hunger cues. My skin and hair look better and my lips aren't chapped and rough. I don't bother with eight precise cups a day, though; I just try to make myself chug down a glass every couple of hours.
  • beemerphile1
    beemerphile1 Posts: 1,710 Member
    phil6707 wrote: »
    There is no benefit to drinking excessive amounts of water, in fact it can kill you.

    You need to drink enough to stay well hydrated, more than that is unnecessary and potentially harmful. Just be aware that most people operate 24/7 in a dehydrated state.

    There is a pinch test you can do to your skin to have an idea of how hydrated you are.

    There is also no global warming, GMO are not an issue for health, blah blah blah...Incredible. DO you any idea of how much water you would have to drink before you are in danger of death???

    No I don't but I know of at least one girl who found out. She entered a radio contest and part of it was consuming a large amount of water, it killed her. Do a search for 'Jennifer Strange water contest'.
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    According to one article, Jennifer Strange drank nearly two gallons of water in over three hours.

    And there you go drinking an excessive amount of water in a relatively short period of time...Most people don't drink a gallon in an entire DAY let alone 2 gallons in 3 hours. Plus it was a contest where she was not supposed to pee either.

    Driving a car can kill you too.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    I've always drank lots of water so I couldn't really tell you.. I love ice water
  • nolabone
    nolabone Posts: 117 Member
    wizzybeth wrote: »
    According to one article, Jennifer Strange drank nearly two gallons of water in over three hours.

    And there you go drinking an excessive amount of water in a relatively short period of time...Most people don't drink a gallon in an entire DAY let alone 2 gallons in 3 hours. Plus it was a contest where she was not supposed to pee either.

    Driving a car can kill you too.

    Ugh, just reading this makes me have to pee.
  • prettyfitchick
    prettyfitchick Posts: 502 Member
    omg!!! people on this whole drinking too much water can kill you I am sure she is not planning chug 5 gallons with in an hour but anyways I keep a gallon jug at my desk I try to drink it all most days i am lucky to drink half but the best benefit to drinking more water is when you are hydrated working out especially cardio is easier to do when are dehydrated working out is much more difficult and muscles tend to be more sore afterwards this is my experience
  • martyqueen52
    martyqueen52 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Just drink when you're thirsty. Plain and simple.
  • MikeSanchez2323
    MikeSanchez2323 Posts: 30 Member
    I am a big water drinker and the days I don't drink enough my body certainly responds. I get headaches and feel terrible. i have never had any neg side effects to drinking too much though. You would really need to drink a lot to have a neg experience.
  • cincysweetheart
    cincysweetheart Posts: 892 Member
    Whenever I used to travel (no matter where I went, or how I got there, or how long I was there, or what I did while I was there, or how clean I kept my face) … I would break out something fierce! Horrible, horrible acne. So extensive, it looked almost like a rash. It itched and it was painful. Since I started drinking more water… that doesn't happen anymore. That alone has made all the trips to the bathroom worth it! It also helps me feel full/satisfied longer. Less snacking. Less hunger.
  • lthames0810
    lthames0810 Posts: 722 Member
    I don't typically drink very much water or anything else. A couple cups of tea in the morning then nothing else the rest of the day until a glass of wine with dinner. I just don't feel thirsty.

    After reading another forum thread on this topic, I realized that some of my "issues" may be related to chronic dehydration and I set out to drink more water. I got a one liter container of water and kept it at my desk at work. By the end of the day, I had finished only half of it and I was sick. I felt like I had an acid bubble down in my throat and was nauseated. (I get this same feeling when I do my bike riding on the weekends but I always thought the nausea was related to a high heart rate, but now I'm thinking it's the fluids I'm forcing down.)

    So now I'm at my desk again, but looking at that jug of water with dread. My plan is to only try to drink a little of it today, then increase the amount I drink a little more each day in hopes that I just need to build up tolerance for it. Any other suggestions?
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    Just drink when you're thirsty. Plain and simple.

    This isn't necessarily the best advice for everyone (although for many it would suffice). I'm someone who was chronically dehydrated before I started tracking my water intake. I've never been a big drinker. Even as a kid my mom would have to remind me to drink. If I only drank when I was thirsty, I would drink only twice a day.

    I feel so much better when I drink more, but I have to purposefully remember to drink. I use an app called "waterlogged" to track my intake. I aim for 74 oz a day. It was hard at first, but now I know how much I need to drink throughout the day to hit my goal.
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    I don't typically drink very much water or anything else. A couple cups of tea in the morning then nothing else the rest of the day until a glass of wine with dinner. I just don't feel thirsty.

    After reading another forum thread on this topic, I realized that some of my "issues" may be related to chronic dehydration and I set out to drink more water. I got a one liter container of water and kept it at my desk at work. By the end of the day, I had finished only half of it and I was sick. I felt like I had an acid bubble down in my throat and was nauseated. (I get this same feeling when I do my bike riding on the weekends but I always thought the nausea was related to a high heart rate, but now I'm thinking it's the fluids I'm forcing down.)

    So now I'm at my desk again, but looking at that jug of water with dread. My plan is to only try to drink a little of it today, then increase the amount I drink a little more each day in hopes that I just need to build up tolerance for it. Any other suggestions?

    Don't start with plain water until you're more used to it. Add some lemon, or make batches of herbal tea (something that doesn't have a ton of caffeine in it). Crystal Light or MIO works too, if you don't have any opposition to the ingredients. Once you get used to it, then start changing to more plain water, or don't - the hydration matters. As long as it's not full of caffeine or alcohol or too much salt, it'll do its job.
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    I don't typically drink very much water or anything else. A couple cups of tea in the morning then nothing else the rest of the day until a glass of wine with dinner. I just don't feel thirsty.

    After reading another forum thread on this topic, I realized that some of my "issues" may be related to chronic dehydration and I set out to drink more water. I got a one liter container of water and kept it at my desk at work. By the end of the day, I had finished only half of it and I was sick. I felt like I had an acid bubble down in my throat and was nauseated. (I get this same feeling when I do my bike riding on the weekends but I always thought the nausea was related to a high heart rate, but now I'm thinking it's the fluids I'm forcing down.)

    So now I'm at my desk again, but looking at that jug of water with dread. My plan is to only try to drink a little of it today, then increase the amount I drink a little more each day in hopes that I just need to build up tolerance for it. Any other suggestions?

    I do better using a cup with a straw. Seriously, I can drink about twice as much using a straw than trying to chug from a water bottle.

    I do use a water bottle to remind me how much I need to drink (I know I have to fill it up three times a day to hit my goal), but pouring it into a cup with a straw helps me drink it down.
  • jrline
    jrline Posts: 2,353 Member
    I lost a lot of weight and it keeps me hydrated
  • lthames0810
    lthames0810 Posts: 722 Member
    Thanks for the ideas! Definitely going to try them.