Do you have a plan? - Here's mine



  • BRaye325
    BRaye325 Posts: 1,383 Member
    Sugarbeat wrote: »
    So now I'm listening to myself, tracking to get a better idea of what "I" need, ignoring the naysayers here and in real life and taking it step by step. I feel better and the weight is starting to come off.

    The #1 source for guiding our fitness should be to listen to what our body tells us.
    I completely ignored mine and even forgot what it felt like to be hungry or have cravings other than for my emotional needs. Separating actual hunger and emotional signals was a huge step for me.
  • BRaye325
    BRaye325 Posts: 1,383 Member
    I completed stage 2 today with my weigh-in, more than 80 pounds down and down to 1 prescription. Time to start running up that last flight of stairs. :smiley:
  • BRaye325
    BRaye325 Posts: 1,383 Member
    I hit the 90 pound loss mark and I'm on the 3rd step going into the attic. Watch out 100, here I come.