Accountability Buddy

Hi all. I've used MFP on and off for a few years now, but I decided shortly before Christmas that I would use the app and stay on track for going to the gym, eating better, and more. As much as I love my husband, he is NOT good for holding me accountable, and I'd really like an accountability buddy to talk to and get and give encouragement from. I don't really know anyone on here, but if anyone would be willing to help me out it would be REALLY appreciated. Thanks! :)


  • bahbedwire
    bahbedwire Posts: 95 Member
    I'm more than happy to help you out! I also suggest that you join a fitness group. I've joined the "Drop 20 by Easter Challenge" group, and that's really helping keep me on track. :) I'm not always the best eater, but I try to stay within my goal every day. Even on a "cheat" day!

    I also suggest that you open up your food diary so everybody can see what you're eating.



  • AllTheNoms
    AllTheNoms Posts: 135 Member
    I second the comment about opening up your diary. If you have an open diary and are an active user, then am happy to support you throughout this process if you want to add me.

    Good luck!
  • Thanks for the suggestions! How do I open up my diary though?
  • kbare85
    kbare85 Posts: 38 Member
    Just sent you a friend request :)
  • Lhutchens10
    Lhutchens10 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey! I am a stay at home mom, I am looking for someone to help me stay on track also. I would love to be your friend.
  • DvrDawg
    DvrDawg Posts: 88 Member
    Feel free to add me - same spouse challenges and judging by your picture -we also have preemie in common -my third son was born at 31 weeks and spend 7 weeks in NICU - I know the stress.