Advice on losing a little weight.. Is it going to work?

Hey everyone,

Was wondering if anyone out there was able to give me a little advice and/or motivation?! :smile:

Basically I'm trying to lose some body fat, ideally I want to lose it from my arms (and stomach) but all over is good (as I know you can't really target any one area!). I'm not looking to lose a huge amount, I'm 5,5 and 128lbs (58kg) at the moment, dress size 8-10 (uk). I'm not focusing on numbers on the scale so much (though early 120s would maybe be good :p ), what I really want to do is lose a bit of fat, maybe 0.5-1 inch off my arms.

I've been exercising more, 3-5 times a week for 20-30 minutes on the cross trainer (elliptical) as fast as I can, then some body weight and 2-4kg weights exercises for resistance. I'm also eating less (around 1200 calories as suggested by mfp), eating less sugar and carbs and more protein.

Thing is, I've been doing this for 2 weeks, and seen almost no results :neutral_face: I feel I've maybe lost a wee bit from my stomach and legs, but barely noticeable and my horrible arms aren't budging :( should I have seen more improvement in 2 weeks? Or are my expectations to high? Do I keep trying or am I doing something wrong??! My arms are my main focus, they generally one of my last places to lose from but to have seen no change?? I feel like no matter what I do they are never going to change and slim down :( am I wasting my time? Feel totally hopeless! This isn't my first time trying to lose a bit, I usually make changes but they are always (too) small. I had hoped changing my diet this time would help (it is pretty healthy usually, so I've never really bothered changing it before), but I'm not seeing any results that seem more promising! Do I just need to give it more time, or..?

If anyone has any advice, motivation or even harsh truths I could really do with hearing them :smile: my poor boyfriend is sick of me asking him :wink:

Thanks guys, really appreciate it!


  • shadowofender
    shadowofender Posts: 786 Member
    I;ve lost 40lbs and the measurement on my biceps hasn't changed more than about half an inch though I've lost five inches from my waist. Just keep it up, take measurements, and pictures.

    Two weeks is not really enough time to see a change.
  • Codilee87
    Codilee87 Posts: 509 Member
    Well since you don't actually have much to lose weight-wise, you likely won't see a lot of change on the scale. If you have taken your measurements (neck, chest, waist, hips, arms, legs) then you will be able to track your progress more accurately. 2 weeks isn't enough time to be guaranteed results so don't get too discouraged. Also, make sure you are logging your food accurately, because a couple hundred extra calories can make all the difference.
  • cookmtn
    cookmtn Posts: 156 Member
    The less weight you have to lose, the longer it will take. A digital kitchen scale to weigh your food is a good idea to make sure you are eating what you think. Good luck.
  • akirkman86
    akirkman86 Posts: 89 Member
    I've been running 4-5 days a week and logging every calorie for 57 days now, and I have only lost 2 or 3 lbs. I don't have a ton to lose, either... I'm 5'7" and 137 lbs now. It takes FOREVER, while my friends who I work out with lose more than me. I'm like you... I don't want to get way skinnier, but there are a few areas I am hoping to target. It's tough. I just try to look at it like, at least I'm getting into better shape overall. I also try to look at it as more of a lifestyle change than a diet, so I try to view it as long-term positive changes I'm making in my life. I do think I'm going to need to start doing some light weight training for my arms (my problem area as well!).
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    Based on the goals you indicate - progress is going to be gradual/slow. You should have a deficit of no more than 250-500 per day, so logging accuracy is highly important. Any approximation and your deficit is gone.

    BUT... maybe you want to focus more on strength training, toning to change the look of those body parts?
  • mandykent111
    mandykent111 Posts: 81 Member
    good for you! This will not happen overnight. What I like to do is measure myself once a week. That way I can track inches and not what is on the scale. Also mix it up. Try taking a HIIT class or cycle class. You want to always do different exercise so your body doesn't get used to one certain thing. Good luck!