need some good low calorie recipes pizzazz

lucyphillipsx Posts: 2 Member


  • galprincess
    galprincess Posts: 682 Member
    i use wholemeal pitta breads for bases
  • markvictoria3
    markvictoria3 Posts: 7 Member
    I love the pita bread idea. I also like that there are so many vegetables you can use.
  • hrubner
    hrubner Posts: 3 Member
    You can also use low carb tortillas as your pizza crust. Load the top with your favorites and only takes a few minutes to cook in the oven.
  • stephdeeday
    stephdeeday Posts: 43 Member
    If I'm craving pizza but not enough to actually order a real pizza I just pretend I'm 8 again and make english muffin pizzas. Just sauce, cheese, olives, whatever veggies are handy, pepperoni if I happen to have it. I can use two muffins ( so technically 4 mini pizzas) and still have it be 400 or less calories. Very filling and comforting because it's something my mom always made when we were kids. :smile:
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    edited January 2015
    Greek yogurt mini souffles!! I made mine with Splenda baking mix, and spray oil instead of butter to line the ramekins, and it came out at 72 cals each, 6 grams protein, and amazingly delicious!


    ETA: By "pizzazz" do you mean pizza, or recipes with pizzazz?