How often do you guys eat?



  • hanzibobs931
    hanzibobs931 Posts: 47 Member
    im always hungry this is not down to my cal target its more what I am like as a human.

    I try and make sure I am eating filling meals so lots of complex carb (brown rice and pasta ect) if I want a snack I eat 80g of grapes (about 50 cals I cant remember) or rice cakes (30 cals each plain) just listen to your body.

    are you hungry? will it fit in your allowance? if yes then eat but try and use common sense a mars bar will not satisfy you for a long time where heathier food will

    if it wont fit in your cal allowance can you fit in another work out? if no eat anyway but accept you will go over you cals for that day. its no big deal as long as its not massively over all the time

    if it happens all the time or you feel light headed or weak ect then up your cals and lower your weight loss target for the week

    its trail and error. if you go too low you wont be able to make it a permanent change. if it is not a permanent change then there really is no point.

  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Whenever I'm hungry.